Books on Photography

PreviewTitleAuthorMembersNon-MembersMore Detail
A Triumph of Genius
Ronald K. Fierstein30.0030.00More DetailOP_Fierstein_TGOTH
Camera Image Quality Benchmarking
Jonathan B. Phillips, Henrik Eliasson120.00120.00More DetailOP_PhillipsOTH
Care and Identification of 19th-Century Photographs
James M. Reilly60.0060.00More DetailOP_IPI_19thCOTH
Color Constancy
Marc Ebner110.00120.00More DetailOP_EBNERCCOTH
Colour Reproduction in Electronic Imaging Systems
Michael S. Tooms100.00110.00More DetailOP_TOOMS_CREISOTH
Edwin H. Land's Essays
Mary McCann, Editor55.0055.00More DetailLANDHIST
From Great Depths
M. McCarthy55.0055.00More DetailOP_MCCARTHY_FGDOTH
High Dynamic Range Imaging (2e)
Eric Reinhard, Greg Ward, Sumanta Pattanaik,Paul Debevec, Wolfgang Heidrich, and Karol Myszkowski88.0093.00More DetailOP_Reinh_HDR2OTH
IS&T's Handbook of Photographic Science and Engineering
Charles Noel Proudfoot, Editor25.0025.00More DetailHANDBOOKHIST
IS&T's Handbook of Photographic Science and Engineering (CD)
Charles Noel Proudfoot, Editor25.0025.00More DetailHANDBOOKCDHIST
Panoramic Imaging, Sensor-Line Cameras & Laser Range Finders
Fay Huang, Reinhard Klette, and Karsten Schreibe70.0070.00More DetailOP_HUANG_PIOTH
Pioneers of Photography
 60.0070.00More DetailPIONEERSHIST
Selected Readings in Photoprocessing and The Environment
Austin Cooley, Editor15.0015.00More DetailSR_PPESR
The Art and Science of HDR Imaging
John J. McCann and Alessandro Rizzi100.00110.00More DetailOP_MCANNOTH
The DAM Book, 2nd Edition
Peter Krogh37.0043.00More DetailOP_KROGH_DAMOTH
The Digital Print: Identification and Preservation
Martin C. Jürgens60.0060.00More DetailOP_JURGENS_DPOTH
The Manual of Photography (10th Edition)
Elizabeth Allen and Sophie Triantaphillidou65.0070.00More DetailOP_ALLENMPOTH