Imaging Science

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Basic Color Science and Imaging, the Hunt Course (DVD)
Dr. Robert W.G. Hunt79.0099.00More DetailHUNT_DVDVTUT
Color Appearance Models Second Edition
Mark D. Fairchild90.0090.00More DetailOP_Fair_CAM2OTH
Color Appearance Models Third Edition
Mark D. Fairchild115.00115.00More DetailOP_FAIR_CAM3OTH
Color Constancy
Marc Ebner110.00120.00More DetailOP_EBNERCCOTH
Color Gamut Mapping
Jan Morovic100.00110.00More DetailOP_MOROVIC_CGMOTH
Color Imaging: Fundamentals and Applications
Erik Reinhard, Erum Arif Khan, Ahmet Oguz Akyüz, and Garrett Johnson110.00120.00More DetailOP_REINHARDCIFAOTH
Color Science and the Visual Arts
Roy S. Berns45.0045.00More DetailOP_BERNS_CSVAOTH
Colorimetry: Fundamentals and Applications
Noburu Ohta and Alan Robertson90.00100.00More DetailOP_OHTAROBOTH
Colorimetry: Understanding the CIE Systems
Janos Schanda110.00120.00More DetailOP_SCHANDA_CIEOTH
Digital Image Processing: PIKS Scientific Inside (4e)
William K. Pratt120.00130.00More DetailOP_Pratt_DIP4OTH
Edwin H. Land's Essays
Mary McCann, Editor55.0055.00More DetailLANDHIST
Handbook of Image Quality
Brian W. Keelan220.00230.00More DetailOP_Keelan_HIQOTH
Handbook of Imaging Materials: Second Edition
Arthur S. Diamond and David S. Weiss175.00185.00More DetailOP_Diamond_HIMOTH
High Dynamic Range Imaging (2e)
Eric Reinhard, Greg Ward, Sumanta Pattanaik,Paul Debevec, Wolfgang Heidrich, and Karol Myszkowski88.0093.00More DetailOP_Reinh_HDR2OTH
Imaging Processes and Materials: Neblette’s Eighth Edition
John Sturge, Vivian Walworth, and Allan Shepp, Editors120.00130.00More DetailOP_NebletteOTH
IS&T's Handbook of Photographic Science and Engineering
Charles Noel Proudfoot, Editor25.0025.00More DetailHANDBOOKHIST
IS&T's Handbook of Photographic Science and Engineering (CD)
Charles Noel Proudfoot, Editor25.0025.00More DetailHANDBOOKCDHIST
Measuring Color, Fourth Edition
Robert W. G. Hunt and M. R. Pointer100.00110.00More DetailOP_Hunt_MC4OTH
Pioneers of Photography
 60.0070.00More DetailPIONEERSHIST
Polarized Light in Liquid Crystals and Polymers
Toralf Scharf90.00100.00More DetailOP_SCHARFPLOTH