32nd Color and Imaging Conference

Individual Differences in Color Matching Functions: Theory a


Individual Differences in Color Matching Functions: Theory and Practice

Tuesday October 29, 15:45 – 18:15

Convener: Andrew Stockman, University College London

Individual differences in the spectral sensitivities of their short-, middle- and long-wavelength cones means that we all see colors differently. These differences can be large enough to result in obvious color mismatches in displays and consumer products. Quantifying these differences has obvious advantages for industry. Some products may be optimized to reduce the color mismatches (metamerism failures) seen across different observers, while other products (such as phones or personal displays) may be optimized to individually enhance the colors seen by the end user. In a series of short talks, demonstrations, and panel discussions, this workshop covers:

• Introduction to cone fundamentals.
• The link between cone spectral sensitivities and color matching functions (CMFs).
• Modelling cone spectral sensitivities and CMFs.
• Individual differences in cone spectral sensitivities and CMFs. What causes them. Why do they matter?
• Calculating cone spectral sensitivities and CMFs for individual observers.
• Practical estimation of individual differences (including hardware and software demonstrations).

Confirmed Speakers
Ronnier Ming Luo, University of Zhejiang, [email protected], Professor with expertise in all aspects of color science.
Andrew Rider, University College London, [email protected]. Senior Research Associate with expertise in psychophysics, cone spectral sensitivities, color vision, and color vision deficiencies.
Alan Song, University of Zhejiang. Research student with expertise in the practical estimation of individual differences in color matching.
Andrew Stockman, University College London. Professor with expertise in cone spectral sensitivities and colour vision and other aspects of visual psychophysics. With Ted Sharpe the developer of the CIE 2006 CMF standards.
Minchen (Tommy) Wei, Hong Kong Polytechnic. Professor with expertise in all aspects of color and illumination.

3. Workshops
10/29/2024 3:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Eastern Daylight Time