32nd Color and Imaging Conference

HDR Imaging: Tech, Applications, & Perceptual Considerations


October 29, Tuesday, 13:30 – 15:30 (2 hours)


Instructor: Timo Kunkel, Dolby Labs, Inc.


Level: Introductory


Prerequisites: No direct previous knowledge is required, but a basic understanding of traditional display and imaging concepts is beneficial.


Benefits This course enables the attendee to:

 • Understand todays HDR ecosystem elements from capture via production and distribution to content display.

 • Reassess how the human visual system (HVS) perceives the physical world around us and identify how we can reproduce a plausible depiction of this ‘real’ physical world, including artistic intent.

 • Identify how HDR display technologies cater to these requirements and what aspects can be improved in the future.

 • Explain the fundamentals of common HDR and Wide Color Gamut display technologies such as full array dual modulation, OLED, Quantum Dot, and Mini/MicroLED-based display.

 • Differentiate the considerations for creating compelling content that lives up to the capabilities of HDR displays.


Course Description

High-Dynamic Range imaging, better known by its acronym “HDR”, has established itself as a foundational component when looking at the aspects defining today’s image fidelity. HDR technology is widely supported by millions of devices from cameras to post-production tools, deployment systems, and displays and is embraced by content creators and providers. HDR imaging is based on several key concepts that facilitate perceptually-meaningful, artistically-compelling, and technologically-effective delivery of movies, TV shows, and video games that are more immersive and realistic than previously possible. This course provides an overview of concepts enabling the HDR ecosystem elements of today and discusses challenges that remain to be solved. This includes perceptual and technological aspects, as well as industry standards, formats, and approaches.


Intended Audience: anyone working in image display related fields such as display design, content creation, image transport and broadcast, and vision science.


Timo Kunkel is director of image technology & standards in the CTO office of Dolby Labs, Inc. During the past 15 years he has been investigating the technical and perceptual aspects of HDR and wide color gamut imaging with a focus on advanced display approaches. He also has been involved in developing the core concepts of what is now Dolby Vision. Kunkel has published and taught about HDR concepts and technologies throughout the industry for many years. A IS&T vice president, he is a member and technical expert with ICC, SID ICDM, and IEC TC100 and 110. Kunkel holds a PhD in computer science from University of Bristol (UK), and MSc from University of Freiburg (Germany).

2. Short Courses
Imaging and Rendering
10/29/2024 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Eastern Daylight Time