32nd Color and Imaging Conference

From Zero to a First Gamut Mapping with GitHub Copilot


October 28, Monday, 13:30 – 15:30 (2 hours)


Instructor: Jan Morovic, HP Inc.

Level: Introductory

Prerequisites: A basic understanding of color imaging and some familiarity with Python, plus a GitHub Copilot license (free trial available). Attendees must bring a laptop with Python installed; an IDE (VS Code) is recommended.


Benefits This course enables the attendee to:

 • Gain a basic understanding of color gamut mapping.

 • Experience implementing a gamut mapping algorithm in Python firsthand from scratch.

 • Have hands-on experience visualizing a variety of data necessary for gamut mapping.

 • Engage in a guided experience of inspecting partial data from source to gamut mapped content

 • Generate a Jupyter notebook with code that performs gamut mapping on an image.


Course Description

Have you ever wanted to implement a gamut mapping algorithm but didn’t know where to start? Has the blinking cursor in an empty Jupyter notebook and the prospect of having to do gamut computation and a bunch of geometry before you get to gamut mapping put you off? Then this course is for you. It starts with a brief introduction to gamut mapping and then dives straight into going from zero to having a simple algorithm fully implemented and applied to an image. Along the way we’ll investigate some useful visualizations and talk about what to keep track of to make sure you are heading in the right direction (pun intended). How will we do that in two hours? With GitHub Copilot, of course!


Intended Audience: students, scientists, researchers, and developers with an interest in color reproduction and encoding in workflows that involve different color spaces, encodings, or devices.


Ján Morovic received his PhD in color science from the University of Derby (UK), where he worked as a lecturer. Since 2003, he has been at Hewlett-Packard in Barcelona as a senior color scientist and later principal technologist. He has also served as the director of CIE Division 8 on Image Technology. He is the author of Color Gamut Map (IS&T/Wiley Series) and more than 120 papers and has filed 180+ US patents (143 granted).

2. Short Courses
Color Management and Gamut Mapping
10/28/2024 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Eastern Daylight Time