32nd Color and Imaging Conference

Colorimetry for Scattering


October 28, Monday, 08:00 – 12:15 (4 hours)


Instructor: Derya Akkaynak, University of Haifa & IUI Eilat


Level: Introductory


Benefits This course enables the attendee to:

 • Learn which equation is appropriate to use in cases of attenuation i) in the atmosphere and ii) underwater.

 • Discover the variations commonly encountered in the optical conditions in the atmosphere and in natural bodies of water, and how these affect images.

 • Find out how to design an experiment or an image acquisition workflow so colors captured in a scene under a scattering medium can be used as scientific data.


Course Description

The most used image formation model is that for clear air, which is a non-attenuating medium. When we take photos in a medium that is attenuating, such as in haze or fog or in any natural body of water, the RGB values captured in a raw image no longer represent the radiance just from the scene; they also contain radiance added due to the scattering in the medium itself. The goal of this short course is to familiarize scientists and others working on color-sensitive applications with the equations that govern image formation in scattering media and to provide the tools needed for designing imaging experiments in scattering media so colors can be captured in an objective and repeatable manner and be used as scientific data. This course was previously taught at CIC as Objective and Repeatable Color Capture in Scattering Media.


Intended Audience: scientists, engineers, students, and others interested in learning more about capture and scattering.


Derya Akkaynak is from Urla (Izmir), Turkey and received a BSc in Aerospace Engineering from Middle East Technical University in Ankara and MSc in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. After a short consulting career in finance that ended with the financial crisis of 2008, she received a PhD in Mechanical and Oceanographic Engineering from MIT & Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Derya has professional, technical, and scientific diving certifications and has conducted fieldwork from the Bering Sea to Antarctica. She is an honoree of the 2019 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists and currently a tenure-track faculty member at the University of Haifa. She heads the Laboratory for Computational Optics and Light in the Ocean Realm (COLOR Lab) that studies light and vision in the ocean, at the intersection of which lies color.

2. Short Courses
Color Science and Measurement
10/28/2024 8:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Eastern Daylight Time