Journal-first (JIST/JPI) Submissions

∙ Journal-first (JIST/JPI) Submissions Due 15 Aug
∙ Final Journal-first manuscripts due 31 Oct
Conference Papers Submissions
∙ Early Submission Deadline
15 Aug
∙ Extended Submission Deadline
30 Sep
∙ Late Submission Deadline
15 Oct
∙ FastTrack Proceedings Manuscripts Due 8 Jan 2025
∙ All Outstanding Manuscripts Due 21Feb 2025
Registration Opens mid-Oct
Demonstration Applications Due 21 Dec
Early Registration Ends 18 Dec

Hotel Reservation Deadline 10 Jan
Symposium Begins
2 Feb
Non-FastTrack Proceedings Manuscripts Due
14 Feb

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Got a Question?

Q: What are the review criteria for acceptance?
A: All EI papers are peer-reviewed using the following criteria:

  1. Relevance to the audience of the conference.
  2. Well-written, organized, clear, and with none or few grammatical errors.
  3. Thorough in their summary of prior art.
  4. Original and novel.
  5. Technically sound and correct.
  6. Well-tested; results should be analyzed and compared to those in the literature. (Authors should have completed a thorough review of prior literature and note or cite as appropriate.)
  7. Conclusions should be supported by the results of the paper.
  8. Papers should provide and include current, thorough, and proper referencing.

Q: What should I include in my initial submission for review?

A: All submissions should include the following:

  • Abstract: A short summary of the problem to solve, the methodology for doing so, and the results/conclusions.
  • Context: In one or two sentences summarize the background context to your work; clearly state why it is an important question to study. In this area, as well as other areas of the paper, be sure to include reference to prior relevant work. A common criticism of papers is that not enough time is spent looking at what other researchers have done and documented. Authors should know the prior research and cite it as appropriate relative to their work.
  • Novelty: It is important to clearly state the novel contribution of your work in comparison to previous publications in the field. If you have previously published in this area, please explain how this work differs from your previous papers.
  • Objective: Describe the purpose of your project, clearly state the problem you set out to investigate.
  • Method: Summarize the technical approach, apparatus, calculations, etc., you have used or developed as part of the project. Review papers should identify the methods used to find primary and secondary sources and how you chose to include or exclude sources from the review.
  • Results: Describe the results that you have obtained (preliminary results are fine; these can be update in the final manuscript). Be as specific as possible and if appropriate quantify the results. You may attach diagrams, graphs, images, and other information to support results or any other section of your submission.
  • References: Include specific references using generally accepted citation standards. You may include a link to the reference online, if one exists.

Q: Who makes the decision regarding my submission?
A: The conference committee provides review recommendations and the conference chairs complete the decision process.

  • To ensure high-quality conferences, all submissions will be assessed by conference committee members using criteria noted above to determine technical merit and suitability of content.
  • Conference chairs reserve the right to reject any paper that does not meet content or presentation expectations.
  • Final placement in an oral or interactive (poster) paper session is subject to the Chairs’ discretion.

Q: What is the approval process for my final proceedings manuscript?
A. Publication is conditional on the following:

  • After you upload your final paper, Conference Chairs may require a manuscript revision before approving publication and may reserve the right to reject for publication any paper that does not meet acceptable standards for a scientific publication. The Conference Chairs’ decision on publication of a manuscript is final.
  • Authors must be authorized to transfer copyright of the manuscript to IS&T, or provide a suitable publication license. Accommodations are made for those who need to sign creative commons license, such as CC BY.
  • Only papers presented at the conference and received in accordance with publication guidelines and timelines will be published in the conference proceedings on the IS&T Digital Library.

Q: Where will my proceedings paper be published?
A: In the IS&T Digital Library.

  • The IS&T Digital Library contains EI proceedings, as well as those of its other conferences and the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (JIST).
  • Published papers are available for free download worldwide, thereby increasing the likelihood of the dissemination of your work.
  • Databases that abstract and index the IS&T Digital Library include CrossRef, CNPLinker, EBSCO Discovery Services, Google/Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, Portico, Primo Central, and Summon.

Q: Where are EI papers indexed?
A: Databases that abstract and index the IS&T EI Digital Library include CrossRef, CNPLinker, EBSCO Discovery Services, Google/Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, Portico, Primo Central, and Summon.

Q: What is the citation format for a paper in an EI conference proceedings?
A: For EI 2017 and beyond:

Author name(s), Paper title, IS&T Electronic Imaging: Conference Name Proceedings,  (IS&T, Springfield, VA, year) page #.  DOI: ###.####

Note: Papers in the EI 2016 proceedings are cited without the page number: Author name(s), Paper title, IS&T Electronic Imaging: Conference Name Proceedings,  (IS&T, Springfield, VA, year).  DOI: ###.####

Referring specifically to the entire proceedings of a conference would take the form of (e.g., for 2016 COLOR Conference):
ISSN 2470-1173 IS&T Electronic Imaging, Vol. 2016, Issue: Color Imaging XXI: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications

QUICK TIP: The easiest way to get a citation for a paper is to go the the EI Digital Library, find the paper you want to cite, go to View, then scroll down to the "copy citation" box.