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 Call for Papers Deadlines
  » Journal-first (JIST) 10 May
  » Conference
 » Presentation Only
15 June
13 Sept
 Registration Opens mid Aug
 Acceptance Notification  
  » Conference 2 July
  » Journal-first  9 Aug
 Final Manuscripts Due  
  » Journal-first
by 13 Aug
  » Conference   13 Sept 
 Early Registration Ends  3 Oct
 Conference Begins
11 Oct


for all printing for fabrication 2021 authors (UPDATED 21 SEPTEMBER)

Conference Registration

At least one author per paper must pay the full conference registration fee (member/non-member; not student). Please go to the Print4Fab 2021 Register/Attend page to start your registration.

Timing for Talks

Please ensure you keep within your allotted time slot as these will be strictly enforced by the session chair.

  • Oral: 15 minutes (12-minute talk + 1 minute speaker change and chair introductions + 1-2 minutes Q&A)
  • Focal: 25 minutes (16-minute talk + 1-2 minutes speaker change and chair introduction + 3-4 minutes Q&A)
  • Keynote: 60 minutes (50-minute talk + 1-2 minutes chair introduction + 5-7 minutes Q&A)

Before Presentation Day

Attend an AV training session to test your background, lighting, audio, camera, and slide deck to make sure your presentation runs smoothly. During that time, you'll also meet with your session chair and other support staff, as well as learn how to interact with the conference portal and software interface. You will be notified by email about the AV Prep for your session.

Day of Presentation

  • Be online during the break preceding your session. You will be called on to do another AV check of your webcam, mic, and screen sharing.
  • The session chair will announce your title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and speaker. If you are a substitute speaker, state your name and the author's.
  • Please help keep the session running on time. Talks may not run over. Prepare accordingly.
  • Q&A is permitted only if there is time remaining for your talk. To be fair to the next presenter, do not take any questions if you have used up your allotted time.

Final Submission Instructions

  • 4-6 page proceedings manuscript or 1-2 page extended abstract (presentation-only)
  • Deadline: 13 September
  • Use the reviewer comments to revise and finalize your submission.
  • Use the Word or LaTeX template to format your submission.
  • Final manuscript documents must be print-ready PDFs. Be sure that all fonts and graphics are embedded. Type 3 Fonts are not allowed.
  • IMPORTANT - UPDATE your submission information with ALL changes (i.e., title, author(s), affiliations). See Updating Information in OpenConf below.
  • Use the OpenConf system to UPLOAD the manuscript or extended abstract, copyright transfer form, and source files.

Copyright and Other Things to Note

How to Prepare your Copyright Release

Select one of the four (4) copyright options offered by IS&T within the copyright transfer agreement file. Download, complete, and sign.

  • Standard copyright transfer to IS&T
  • US Government Employee Consent to Publish
  • Crown or other Government Employee Consent to Publish (non-US)
  • CCBY

Presentation Requirement

At least one author per paper is required to pay for a full conference registration (member/non-member rate; not student).

Online Best Practices

  1. Close all other apps/programs on your computer to prevent private material from inadvertently appearing to the audience and so that all bandwidth is focused on the presentation software and interface.
  2. Have your presentation ready to display on your screen.

Recordings: Please note all sessions will be recorded and shared with attendees.

Presentation Best Practices

In preparation for your presentation, please note the following:


Even though we are not meeting in person, you should still present yourself in a professional manner. It is our recommendation that you wear "business casual" attire: button shirt, nice blouse, or other clothing acceptable in an office or professional setting.


  • Consider a location that allows you to stand—it is amazing the different energy you feel by standing versus sitting. Remember at an in-person conference you would be standing at a podium. If you cannot do this, choose a chair that allows you to sit up straight and engage with the audience.
  • If possible, please join the practice session from the location where you will be presenting on the day of your talk. The practice session will be more beneficial if it closely emulates your presentation day environment.
  • Background should be neat—see details in the Best Practices for Live Presentation document. (TIP: Do not wear clothing that matches your background color.)


  • Do not hurry your speech; be sure to speak clearly and enunciate each word.
  • Lighting—position yourself so you are lit from the front and/or above; balance that with light behind you.
  • Eliminate sounds and distractions during your presentation time.

See more detailed guidelines in the "Best Practices for Live Presentation" PDF under Files and Forms.

Remember all session are being recorded. It is our wish that these recordings capture you in the most career beneficial manner.

Author Resources

1. Packaging your PowerPoint Slides
Detailed instructions can be found in the Package Your Power Point Slides pdf. Here is an overview:

  • In PowerPoint, select FILE –> EXPORT –> Package Presentation for CD.
  • Be sure to check the boxes to "include linked files and embedded TrueType fonts".
  • Check "Inspect presentation for inappropriate or private information" if you have concerns about this.
  • No need to add a password.
  • Select "Copy to Folder".
  • We recommend creating a new folder to hold the entire package; it will contain the PPT and any associated files. Give the folder a unique name, easy to identify, and compact. (hint: YearMonthSurnameInitial, ie. 2021OctYeeM).
  • Confirm that you really do want to copy all the linked files to your computer; this  includes any files that might be on company servers.
  • After you click "Yes", a package is created and placed in the location you specified above. It will contain the PPT presentation with all of the fonts and graphics embedded. Put a backup copy on a USB drive and bring it with you to the conference.
2. How to Update/Edit Author Information in OpenConf
  • Go to the OpenConf homepage.
  • Click Edit Submission.
  • Enter your OpenConf Submission ID number and password: If you have forgotten your password, there are measures to change your password on the OpenConf site.
  • Click Edit Submission.
  • Review the submission and correct any information that has changed.
  • Click Submit Changes.

3. How to Upload your Files to OpenConf
  • Go to the OpenConf homepage.
  • Click Upload File.
  • From the pulldown menu, select your upload type: (i.e., manuscript, photo, copyright, pres. recording).
  • Enter your OpenConf Submission ID number and password.
  • Click Choose File to select the file you want to upload.
  • Click Upload File.

Call for Papers


1. PRESENTATION-ONLY SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED to 13 September 2021 to allow for more flexibility in planning conference participation. Follow submission deadlines below.

2. BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARDS see details below (scroll down past program topics and peer review headings); deadline for proceedings paper is 15 July 2021. Two awards are given, one for written paper and one for presentation.

3. IMAGE CONTEST see details below (scroll down past program topics and peer review headings). Deadline 13 September 2021

Program Topics

Authors are invited to submit to Printing for Fabrication 2021. Technical papers/presentations are invited in, but not limited to, the following:

Challenge Areas

Print4Fab 2021 is organized around four Challenge Areas that address critical printing ecosystem issues. We are seeking innovative solutions to problems in these areas; examples given for each area are illustrative only and do not represent a complete list of acceptable topics.

Deposition Technology

  • Methods and physics of applying inks, fluids, or other materials
  • 2D, 3D, and 4D printing
  • Analog and digital printing technologies

Substrates and Inks

  • Demanding shapes and difficult surfaces 
  • Chemistry of inks and other fluids
  • Material interactions

System Integration

  • Process measurement and feedback/control technologies 
  • Variable data, color science, and modeling
  • Hybrid printing, AI, and robotics

Pre/Post Processing

  • Image processing
  • Pre-processing of substrates
  • Post-processing of printed materials 

Presented work may include, but is not limited to, these challenges within applications such as additive manufacturing, 3D printing, digital packaging, printed electronics, functional printing, textiles, decoration printing (ceramic tile, wallcovering, flooring), printing on non-flat objects, biological materials, life sciences, health care, security printing, environmental, recycling, energy saving, manufacturing processes, scientific imaging, and e-commerce fulfillment.

Special Sessions

In addition to the four Challenge Areas, we invite papers for three Special Sessions:

  • Experimental Printing – tactile printing, beyond CMYK, optical illusions, etc.
  • Printing Sustainability – zero waste, recyclability, carbon footprint, VOC’s
  • Impact of COVID-19 – effects on the printing ecosystem
(To submit a paper to ICAI 2021, please use the ICAI submission portal.)


All submitted proposals are peer-reviewed to ensure that the program provides significant, timely, and authoritative information.

  • Papers presented at the conference should be complete in regard to advancing the state of knowledge around addressing critical printing ecosystem issues.
  • Authors have the choice of submitting their paper to an IS&T journal (JIST) or the conference committee for inclusion in the event. "Journal-first" publication allows authors a journal citation for their work (details below).
  • All papers presented at Printing for Fabrication 2021 are published Open Access in the conference proceedings and/or journal, indexed with various services, filed with the US Library of Congress, and made available as downloadable PDFs through the IS&T Digital Library. Authors may also post the authoritative version of accepted papers in repositories and on websites.
  • Authors are expected to adhere to the guidelines and ethics found in the IS&T Publication Policy.
  • Presenters are expected to pay the conference registration fee.
  • The conference language is English.


Printing for Fabrication 2021 will present the following awards:

  • Best Student Paper
  • Best Student Oral Presentation

To be eligible, students must submit a proceedings paper for review. The submission deadline for these papers is 15 July 2021 and should follow guidelines found below. The Best Student Paper will be selected based on paper reviews and committee decision. The Best Student Presentation will be decided by a small committee based on the live, online presentation of the work. Both awards come with a certificate and $500 in IS&T credit that may be used to purchase books, courses, registrations, etc.

To be eligible for the award, students must be the first and presenting author on the paper; papers from students to post-doc, including those studying part-time, are accepted.


Submit your best technical image(s) to be considered for the Best Image Print4Fab 2021 award. We invite authors to submit images related to their work that are visually appealing and suitable to be published as part of the proceedings and/or to advertise the event. The winner’s image will be used in the conference proceedings and receive $350 in IS&T credit that may be used to purchase books, courses, registrations, etc. Images must be a minimum of 8 x 10 inches @300 dpi. All images submitted may be used by IS&T in the future, with credit given. All images will be displayed as part of the 2021 conference. The submission deadline for these papers is 13 September 2021. Please provide a detailed caption describing your image.


Prospective authors are encouraged to review all the details below, as well as the IS&T Publication Policy .

Authors may submit one of the following:

  1. Traditional peer-reviewed conference paper, published in the Printing for Fabrication proceedings and OPEN ACCESS in IS&T Digital Library
  2. Presentation-only extended abstract (reviewed for relevance), not published in the proceedings; not in IS&T Digital Library
  3. Journal-first paper, which appears in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (JIST) prior to the meeting start date, and as a reprint in the proceedings. The advantage of Journal-first is an Open Access journal citation.


Submit via:
Submission Deadline: 10 May 2021
Submission Format: Standard-length, publication-ready paper
Review Format: Standard journal peer-review

Why Journal-first?

  • Gain a journal citation, plus conference presentation.
  • Guaranteed presentation slot if accepted.
  • Fast-tracked review.

Visit the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology page for more details on how to submit to the journal.

Initial decisions and requests for revision, if required, will be sent to authors by mid-May. Revisions of provisionally accepted papers are due by 19 July, following the decision letter. 

Upon acceptance of papers, authors will pay page charges and register for Print4Fab per the journal's requirements. Rejected papers will be reviewed for possible inclusion in Print4Fab using the conference submission criteria. 

Final papers are due by 13 August 2021.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected]


Submit via:
Submission Deadline: extended to 15 June 2021
Submission Format: 4-6 page draft paper
Review Format: Peer-review
Submission Template (MS-Word)
Submission Template (LaTeX)


  • A 4-6 page draft paper describing original work in any technical areas related to the program topics.
  • Only papers submitted according to the IS&T guidelines and template will be considered.
  • The paper should clearly explain the technical content, including how the material is new or distinct from previously presented/published work on the same topic. The paper may speculate on how your research ideas will impact the field in the future.
  • List primary authors and all co-authors with a maximum 50-word bio for each.
  • Provide complete contact information (address, phone, e-mail) for the primary author.
  • Agree to register for the conference and present the paper during the technical program as scheduled.

Final papers are due 13 September 2021.

Questions?  Contact us at [email protected]


Print4Fab is interested in providing a platform for the latest innovations in printing & imaging technology. To make it easier for you to participate in this year’s event, we have extended the Presentation-only deadline to 13 September. Submission requirement: 1-2 page extended abstract. If accepted, you will be scheduled into a time slot during the technical program, scheduled for 11-13 October.

Submit via:
Submission Deadline: extended to 13 September 2021
Submission Format: 1-2 page extended abstract
Review Format: Peer-review
Submission Template (MS-Word)
Submission Template (LaTeX)


  • A 1-2 page extended abstract describing original work in any technical areas related to the program topics.
  • Only extended abstracts submitted according to the IS&T guidelines and template will be considered.
  • The extended abstract should clearly explain the technical content, including how the material is new or distinct from previously presented/published work on the same topic.
  • List primary authors and all co-authors with a maximum 50-word bio for each.
  • Provide complete contact information (address, phone, e-mail) for the primary author.
  • Agree to register for the conference and present during the technical program as scheduled.

Questions?  Contact us at [email protected]

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