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Call for Presentations
 » JIST-first 17 May 2020
   (w/paper in proceedings)
 » Peer-reviewed 23 June 2020
  (w/paper in proceedings)
 » Presentation-only 30 June 2020
Registration Opens Late summer 2020
Final Manuscripts Due 4 September 2020
Short Courses Begin Week of 12 Oct
Technical Program 19 - 21 October
Conference Portal Closes 15 February 2021


Imaging Society of Japan (ISJ)



For ALL Printing for Fabrication 2020 Authors (last updated 10 August)
On this page

Presentation Lengths

  • Interactive (Poster) Paper Previews: Each author has 3 minutes to summarize work prior to their corresponding Interactive (Poster) Paper Session.
  • Interactive (Poster) Paper Sessions: Sessions are ~35 minutes long and provide time to interact with other attendees in individual zoom rooms where you can present your work.
  • Oral: 15 minutes, which includes 1 minute for speaker change and chair introductions and 1-2 minutes for Q&A. We suggest you plan your talk for ~12 minutes.
  • Invited Focal: 25 minutes, which includes 1-2 minute for speaker change and chair introduction and 3-4 minutes for Q&A. We suggest you plan your talk for ~16-17 minutes.
  • Keynote: 60 minutes, which includes 1-2 minutes for chair introduction and 5-7 minutes for Q&A. We suggest you plan your talk for ~50 minutes.

Day Before Presentation
Attend the AV training session (a calendar evite will be sent) to test your background, lighting, audio, camera, and slide deck to make sure your presentation runs smoothly. During that time you’ll also meet with your session chair and other support staff, as well as learn how to interact with the conference portal and software interface.

Day of Presentation

  • Be online 30-minutes before your talk to do a double check of the AV.
  • The session chair will announce your title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and speaker. If you are a substitute speaker, state your name and the author’s.
  • Please help keep the session running on time. Talks may not run over. Prepare accordingly.
  • Q&A is permitted only if there is time remaining for your talk. To be fair to the next presenter, do not take any questions if you have used up your allotted time.

Interactive (Poster) Paper Author FAQs
Interactive (poster) papers offer the unique opportunity for authors have a poster of their work displayed during the entire conference + get direct feedback from other attendees during the Interactive Paper Sessions.

Interactive Paper presenters need to prepare 3 things:
  1. Proceedings manuscript (unless it’s a Presentation Only submission; then we will use your abstract)
  2. Preview slides
  3. Poster for viewing

How it works
The Interactive (Poster) Paper Session details are still being planned. Please check back for updates and be assured you will be notified by email when everything is finalized.

Poster Preview Slides
We recommend you prepare 3-5 slides; keep your 2-minute presentation concise and focus on the key points:

  • What problem did you want to solve?
  • What was your approach/methodology?
  • What are your results?

The goal is to entice people to come talk with you about your work during the Interactive Paper Session. (Don't forget to include a slide with the name and authors of the paper!)

    Prepare your Poster: We are finalizing our selection of the poster platform and will send information to Interactive Presenters as soon as possible—as well as update this page. Posters should be submitted a week before the conference begins.

    During the Interactive (Poster) Paper Sessions: As with the the poster format, we’re finalizing the method for interacting. Stay tuned!

    Best Practices for Live and Pre-recorded Presentations
    The following are recommended best practices; we understand if all recommendations are not possible in individual cases. Please review the list and implement as many suggestions as you can.

    a. Maximize your local internet:
      i. Make sure your modem is accessible / nearby (i.e., not buried in a closet or room on the far side of a house)
      ii. Consider a hard-wire connection to your modem; if not possible, position yourself as close to the modem as possible
      iii. Close all other programs on your computer and turn off notifications.
      iv. Turn off all other devices in your home/office that have access to the internet (other computers, tablets, smart TV’s, game systems, etc.). Keep your phone connected so that you can contact IS&T should you need to do so.
    b. Be prepared in case you have a problem:
      i. Have a backup computer, tablet, phone ready
      ii. Be ready to dial in on your phone or another device
    c. If possible, select 5G in both directions (input and output)
    d. Keep your laptop plugged in so you are not running on the battery.

    a. External microphone is best, followed by a plug-in headphone set (usually; this is what the sound check we do the day before your presentation is for)
    b. Laptop microphone will work – but try to eliminate or reduce all surrounding noise (see e. under Video)
    c. If there is a lot of ambient noise where you are, consider getting background noise suppression software

    Video / Your image on screen
    a. Organize your background so there is no clutter or mess; a blank wall is fine. Turn on your camera to test how you look against your background. (TIP: Do not wear clothing that matches the background color; be aware of objects that may create shadows or look like things are coming out of your head.)
    b. Position yourself so you are lit from the front and/or above.
    c. Do not have a window in the background. If it is your only option, close the blinds and/or curtains to minimize the light.
    d. Dress code is business casual.
    e. Eliminate sounds and distractions during your presentation time. Put up an “ON AIR” sign, so family members or roommates know not to disturb you!


    Use images, keywords, or brief phrases instead of large chunks of text– you want the attendees to be listening to you, not reading a slide.

    Engage your audience
    a. Try to engage your audience every ~5 minutes
    b. Remember moments during your research where you got excited — share these with your audience 
    c. Don’t forget to share the challenging moments and how you got past them
    d. Where are you going next with your work — reach out to attendees for suggestions and encouragement
    a. Know your material
    b. Practice and practice again
    c. Anticipate questions and have answers ready

    Author Resources

    1. Packaging your Powerpoint Slides
    Detailed instructions can be found in the Package Your Power Point Slides pdf. Here is an overview:

    • In Powerpoint, select FILE –> EXPORT –> Package Presentation for CD.
    • Be sure to check the boxes to "include linked files and embedded TrueType fonts".
    • Check "Inspect presentation for inappropriate or private information" if you have concerns about this.
    • No need to add a password.
    • Select "Copy to Folder".
    • We recommend creating a new folder to hold the entire package; it will contain the PPT and any associated files. Give the folder a unique name, easy to identify, and compact. (hint: YearMonthSurnameInitial, ie. 2020NovYeeM).
    • Confirm that you really do want to copy all the linked files to your computer; this  includes any files that might be on company servers.
    • After you click "Yes", a package is created and placed in the location you specified above. It will contain the PPT presentation with all of the fonts and graphics embedded. Put a backup copy on a USB drive and bring it with you to the conference.

    2. How to Update/Edit Author Information in OpenConf

    • Go to the OpenConf homepage .
    • Click Edit Submission.
    • Enter your OpenConf Submission ID number and password: If you have forgotten your password, there are measures to change your password on the OpenConf site.
    • Click Edit Submission.
    • Review the submission and correct any information that has changed.
    • Click Submit Changes.

    3. How to Upload your Files to OpenConf
    • Go to the OpenConf homepage.
    • Click Upload File.
    • From the pulldown menu, select your upload type: (i.e., manuscript, photo, copyright, pres. recording).
    • Enter your OpenConf Submission ID number and password.
    • Click Choose File to select the file you want to upload.
    • Click Upload File.

    4. How to Prepare a Good Poster

    • Posters details to be announced; come back later.
    • Don't include too much information. Details are best presented in a form that is easy to interpret visually, without requiring a lot of time spent reading.
    • Strong visuals—images, figures, graphs—are ways to draw others to your work.
    • Each section of the poster  should have a descriptive heading; display the material in a logical sequence.
    • Consider the “Better Poster” guideline and templates to assist you in preparing your poster. (These templates were created by Mike Morrison, a doctoral student in Psychology at Michigan State University.  If you want to know more and have time, his YouTube video is an entertaining exploration of some of the problems with scientific papers and his ideas for improvements.  Fast forward to 10:40 for his explanation of the template).


     REVISED CALL FOR PAPERS: New Submission Deadlines

    Authors are invited to submit papers to Printing for Fabrication 2020. Those who wish to submit to the International Conference on Advanced Imaging 2020 should follow directions on the ICAI webpage.

    Technical papers are invited in, but not limited to, the following:

    • Recent advances in the fundamental science and technology of digital printing technologies, including inkjet, ep, thermal, etc.
    • Printing materials and material interactions
    • 3D printing
    • Digital printing for packaging
    • Printed functionalities
    • Printing for textiles and nonwovens
    • Printing onto non-flat objects
    • Printing of biological materials, pharmaceuticals, healthcare devices, and wearables
    • Printing for security applications
    • Printing innovation
    • Green technology, environmental protection, and energy saving
    • Image input, image processing
    • Image measurement and evaluation

    Authors wishing to present their work at Printing for Fabrication 2020 are invited to submit their work via the conference submission site. Within the site, authors select a preferred track/session from the topics list. Final decisions about track/session resides with the Executive Program Chairs.

    Authors are expected to provide a recording of their talk for use in combination with live sessions.


    If you want your paper to appear in the Printing for Fabrication proceedings and IS&T Digital Library, you must select the JIST-first or Peer-reviewed proceedings paper option.

    JIST-first: Submit a journal-length paper to the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology for full peer review. Accepted papers appear as Open Access in the JIST Digital Library and authors are given an oral speaking slot. Authors must register for the conference and present their work; work that is not presented is pulled from the digital library.

    Print4Fab Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Paper: Submit a 4-6 page paper for full peer review. If accepted, revised papers that take into consideration reviewer comments are due 1 September. Authors of peer-reviewed papers are given higher consideration for an oral talk. Authors must register for the conference and present their work; work that is not presented is pulled from the digital library.

    Print4Fab Presentation-Only: Submit a 1-2 page extended abstract; if accepted, authors may revise their abstract by 1 September for inclusion in the conference program book. Authors must register for the conference prior to the early registration deadline (non-refundable) and present their work.

    All submissions processed on a rolling basis.



    Deadline: 17 MAY 2020

    Before submitting, please review the Author Guidelines.

    Submit a complete JIST manuscript of original work; under “Manuscript Type/Focused Sections” select "JIST-first–Printing for Fabrication 2020."

    Authors will be notified by late-June as to their status. Accepted papers are included in the conference proceedings as a JIST reprint; the citation resides with the journal. Upon acceptance, at least one author must register for the conference at the full registration fee and pay JIST page charges reduced by 50%. Rejected papers may be converted to a Proceedings Paper by the author.

    Direct submission inquiries to Katrina Bird at [email protected].


    Print4Fab Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Paper,
    ICAI Paper,

    Deadline Proceedings Paper: 23 JUNE 2020

    Deadline Presentation-only Paper: 30 JUNE 2020

    Submissions should be based on the templates provided. Proceedings papers for peer review should be 4-6 pages. IPresentation-only talks should be a 1-2 page extended abstract that clearly states the technical content, methods, and conclusions of the work; if appropriate, emphasize what is new compared to previously presented/published results.

    Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis; authors will be notified beginning in mid-June as to their acceptance. Final papers/extended abstracts are due in electronic format by 1 September 2020 for inclusion in the conference proceeding materials.

    Direct submission inquiries to Katrina Bird at [email protected].