Journal-first (JIST/JPI) Submissions

∙ Journal-first (JIST/JPI) Submissions Due 15 Aug
∙ Final Journal-first manuscripts due 31 Oct
Conference Papers Submissions
∙ Early Submission Deadline
15 Aug
∙ Extended Submission Deadline
30 Sep
∙ Late Submission Deadline
15 Oct
∙ FastTrack Proceedings Manuscripts Due 8 Jan 2025
∙ All Outstanding Manuscripts Due 21Feb 2025
Registration Opens mid-Oct
Demonstration Applications Due 21 Dec
Early Registration Ends 18 Dec

Hotel Reservation Deadline 10 Jan
Symposium Begins
2 Feb
Non-FastTrack Proceedings Manuscripts Due
14 Feb

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History and Scope

For more than 35 years, the Electronic Imaging Symposium has been serving those in the broad community—from academia and industry—who work on imaging science and digital technologies. The breadth of the Symposium covers the entire imaging science ecosystem, from capture (sensors, cameras) through image processing (image quality, color, and appearance) to how we and our surrogate machines see and interpret images. Applications covered include security, virtual reality, machine vision, and data analysis, among others.

Some EI conferences, such as HVEI  and SD&A  have been around (nearly) as long as the Symposium itself; newer conferences—such as those focusing on Autonomous Vehicles and Machines and Imaging and Multimedia Analytics in a Web and Mobile World —reflect changes in our world and the evolution of imaging technologies, from dream to reality.

EI 2023

15-19 January 2023 • San Francisco, CA
Symposium Co-chairs: Robin Jenkin, NVIDIA Corporation (US) and Andreas Savakis, Rochester Institute of Technology (US)

EI 2022

17-26 January 2022 • Online
Symposium Co-chairs: Charles A. Bouman, Purdue University (United States) and Robin Jenkin, NVIDIA Corporation (United States)

EI 2021

11-28 January 2021 • Online
Symposium Co-chairs: Jonathan B. Phillips, Google, Inc. (United States) and Charles A. Bouman, Purdue University (United States)

EI 2020

26-30 January 2020 • Burlingame, California
Symposium Co-chairs: Radka Tezaur, Intel Corporation (United States) and Jonathan B. Phillips, Google, Inc. (United States)

EI 2019

13-17 January 2020 • Burlingame, California
Sympoisium Co-chairs: Andrew Woods, Curtin University (Australia) and Radka Tezaur, Intel Corporation (United States)

EI 2018

28 January - 2 February 2018 • Burlingame, California
Symposium Co-chairs: Joyce Farrell, Stanford University (United States) and Andrew Woods, Curtin University (Australia)

EI 2017

29 January - 2 February 2017 • Burlingame, California
Symposium Co-Chairs: Nitin Sampat, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Joyce Farrell, Stanford University (United States)

EI 2016

14-18 February 2016 • San Francisco, California
General Chairs: Choon-Woo Kim and Nitin Sampat

EI 2015

8-12 February 2015 • San Francisco, California
General Chairs: Sheila Hemami and Choon-Woo Kim

Plenary Recording

EI 2014

2-6 February 2014 • San Francisco, California
General Chairs: Sergio Goma and Sheila Hemami

Plenary Recordings

EI 2013

3-7 February 2013 • Burlingame, California
General Chairs: Gaurav Sharma and Sergio Goma

Plenary Speakers:

  • Another Look at Signals and Images;
    Sabine Süsstrunk, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
  • A Trillion Photos;
    Steven Seitz, University of Washington (United States)

EI 2012

22-26 January 2012 • Burlingame, California
General Chairs: Majid Rabbani and Gaurav Sharma

Plenary Speakers:

  • Computational Photography;
    William T. Freeman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States)
  • More Words and Bigger Pictures;
    David Forsyth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States)

EI 2011

23-27 January 2011 • Burlingame, California
General Chairs: Sabine Süsstrunk and Majid Rabbani

Plenary Speakers:

  • New Dimensions in Visual Quality;
    Al Bovik, Lab. For Image and Video Engineering (LIVE), The University of Texas at Austin (United States)
  • Problems in Biological Imaging: Opportunities for Signal Processing;
    Jelena Kovacevic, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Director, Center for Bioimage Informatics Carnegie Mellon University (United States)

EI 2010

17-21 January 2010 • San Jose, California
General Chairs: Jan Allebach and Sabine Süsstrunk

Plenary Speakers:

  • Automatic 3D Modeling and Analysis of Large Scale Urban Environments;
    Avideh Zakhor, University of California, Berkeley (United States)
  • Hey! What Is That In Your Pocket? The Mobile Device Future;
    Edward J. Delp III, Purdue University (United States)

EI 2009

18-22 January 2009 • San Jose, California
General Chairs: Nitin Sampat and Jan P. Allebach

Plenary Speakers:

  • Neptune's Garden: Exploring the Secrets of the Deep Undersea;
    David Gallo and William Lange, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (United States)
  • Audio and Video: Making It and Selling It in the 21st Century;
    Andrew Setos, Fox Entertainment Group (United States)

EI 2008

28 January - 1 February 2008 • San Jose, California
General Chair: Nitin Sampat

Plenary Speakers:

  • Digital Forensics;
    Hany Farid, Dartmouth College (United States)
  • The Making of "Inner Life of the Cell";
    David Bolinsky, XVIVO Scientific Animation (United States)

EI 2007

28 January - 1 February 2007 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Michael Kriss and Robert Sprague

Plenary Speakers:

  • More than a Poplar Plank: The Shape and Subtle Colors of the Masterpiece 'Mona Lisa' by Leonardo;
    François Blais, National Research Council of Canada (Canada)
  • Space Exploration, Imaging Technology, and the Development of a Virtual Presence in Space;
    Eric M. De Jong, Solar System Visualization (SSV) Project (United States)

EI 2006

16-19 January 2006 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Charles A. Bouman and Gabriel Marcu

Plenary Speakers:

  • Image Processing: Interconnections;
    Thomas S. Huang, Beckman Insitute of Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States)
  • Computational Imaging Methods for Functional Brain Mapping and Molecular Imaging;
    Richard M. Leahy, University of Southern California (United States)

EI 2005

16-20 January 2005 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Thrasyvoulos Pappas and Andrew Woods

Plenary Speakers:

  • 20 Cameras on Mars: The Mar Exploration Rover Imaging System;
    Justin Maki, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States)
  • The Future of Computer Graphics: Realism or Abstraction?;
    Pat Hanrahan, Stanford University (United States)

EI 2004

18-22 January 2004 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Robert Stevenson and Giordano Beretta

Plenary Speakers:

  • Digital Printing--An Image Processor's Perspective;
    Jan P. Allebach, Purdue University (United States)
  • Security Is Not Just for Money Anymore;
    Annette Jaffe, Annette Jaffe Consulting (United States)

EI 2003

20-24 January 2003 • Santa Clara, California
General Co-Chairs: John Meyer and Robert Sprague

Plenary Speakers:

  • Digital Image Processing: How Far Are We?;
    Murat Kunt, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland)
  • Computer Vision and Computer Graphics: Direct and Inverse Problems;
    Tomaso A. Poggio, Artificial Intelligent Laboratory and McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT (United States)

EI 2002

January 20 - 25 2002 • San Jose, California
General Co-chairs: Jean-Marc Fournier and John Merritt

Plenary Speakers:

  • Electronic Imaging and the Space Shuttle;
    Stephen Robinson, Astronaut, NASA (United States)
  • Color Computations in the Brain;
    Semir Zeki, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, University College London (United Kingdom)
  • 20,000 Bytes Under the Sea;
    Emory K. Kristof, National Geographic Society (United States)

EI 2001

January 19 - 26, 2001 • San Jose, California
General Co-chairs: Reiner Eschbach and Jaakko Astola

Plenary Speakers:

  • Wireless Salutes Multimedia;
    Yrjö Neuvo, Nokia Mobile Phones (Finland)
  • Digital Cinema: More than a Century after Lumière;
    Larry J. Hornbeck, Texas Instruments Inc. (United States)
  • The HAL 9000 Computer and the Vision of 2001: A Space Odyssey;
    David G. Stork, Ricoh California Research Center, Inc. and Stanford University (United States)

EI 2000

January 23 – 28, 2000 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: John McCann and Giordano Beretta

Plenary Speakers:

  • Evolution of Digital Photography;
    Carver A. Mead, California Institute of Technology (United States)
  • The Co-Evolution of Humans and Computers;
    A. John Michaelis, R.R. Donnelly & Sons Co. (United States)
  • Multispectral Imaging: Fundamental and Applications;
    Yoichi Miyake, Chiba University (Japan)

EI 1999

January 23 – 29, 1999 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Jan P. Allebach and Richard N. Ellson

Plenary Speakers:

  • Digital Watermarking: The Emergence of a New Communication Channel;
    Bruce Davis, Digimarc Corp. (United States)
  • Document Standards and Next-Generation Publishing Solutions;
    George Cacioppo, Adobe Systems Inc. (United States)
  • Image Restoration of the Dead Sea Scrolls;
    Keith T. Knox, Robert H. Johnston, and Roger L. Easton, Xerox Corporation, Rochester Institute of Technology (United States)

EI 1998

January 24 - 30, 1998 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Martin Freeman and Sethuraman Panchanathan

Plenary Speakers:

  • Multimedia Communications: What's Next?;
    Leonardo Chiariglione, CSELT/Telecom Italia (Italy)
  • The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet;
    Alan Kay, The Walt Disney Company (United States)
  • Image Compression in Space: Past, Present, and Future;
    Jacques Blamont, Ctr. National d'Etudes Spatiales (France)

EI 1997

February 9 - 14, 1997 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Vasudev Bhaskaran and Andrew Tescher

Plenary Speakers:

  • Riding the New Integrated Media Systems Wave;
    Chrysostomos L. (Max) Nikias, University of Southern California (United States)
  • Digital Libraries for the Past, Present, and Future;
    Fredrick Mintzer, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center (United States)
  • Object-based Video: Compression, Manipulation, and Indexing;
    A. Murat Tekalp, University of Rochester (United States)

EI 1996

January 28 - February 2, 1996 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Majid Rabbani and Robert Sprague

Plenary Speakers:

  • Data Security;
    Jim Bidzos, RSA Data Security, Inc. (United States)
  • Challenges in High-Resolution Flat Panel Display;
    Malcolm J. Thompson, Xerox PARC (United States)
  • Digital Photography: The Next Generation;
    David Swift, Eastman Kodak Co. (United States)

EI 1995

February 4 - 10, 1995 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: James Sullivan and Stephen Benton

Plenary Speaker:

  • Image Enabled Communication -- a View from the Market;
    Frederick Geyer, Eastman Kodak Co. (United States)

EI 1994

February 4 - 10, 1994 • San Jose, California
General Co-chairs: Ed Delp and Ed Dougherty

EI 1993

January 31 - February 4, 1993 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Keith Knox and Edward Granger

Plenary Speakers:

  • Evolution of Visual Communication;
    Paul G. Roetling, Xerox Corporation/Webster Research Center (United States)
  • The High-Fidelity Future of Print and Visual Media;
    L. Mills Davis, DAVIS, Inc. (United States)

EI 1992

February 9 - 14, 1992 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Annette Jaffe and William E. Glenn

Plenary Speaker:

  • Imaging--Past, Present, and Future;
    Gary Starkweather, Apple Computer (United States)

EI 1991

February 24 - March 1, 1991 • San Jose, California
General Co-Chairs: Ivan Rezanka and Rajinder Khosla

Plenary Speakers:

  • Electronic Imaging in the 1990s;
    Timothy J. Tredwell, Eastman Kodak Co. (United States)
  • Vision of Electronic Photography;
    Shin Ohno, Electronic Photography and Medical Product Group, Sony Corporation (Japan)
  • The Document and Its Evolutionary Technologies;
    Roger E. Levien, Xerox Corporation (United States)
  • The Next Computer Revolution;
    Abraham Peled, IBM/Thomas J. Watson Research Center (United States)

EI 1990

February 11 - 16, 1990 • Santa Clara, California
General Co-Chairs: Bernice Rogowitz and Leo Beiser

Plenary Speakers:

  • Electronic Imaging for the Office;
    Mark B. Myers, Xerox Corporation (United States)
  • Color Hard Copy;
    K. Bradley Paxton, Eastman Kodak Co. (United States)
  • The Image Enabled Enterprise;
    Robert P. Steen, IBM Corporation (United States)
  • Electronic Imaging in the Consumer and Commercial Marketplace;
    Everett Wren, Canon USA (United States)

EI 1989

January 10 -15, 1989 • Los Angeles, California
General Chairs: Robert Sprague and William Hutchinson