Journal-first (JIST/JPI) Submissions

∙ Journal-first (JIST/JPI) Submissions Due 15 Aug
∙ Final Journal-first manuscripts due 31 Oct
Conference Papers Submissions
∙ Early Submission Deadline
15 Aug
∙ Extended Submission Deadline
30 Sep
∙ Late Submission Deadline
15 Oct
∙ FastTrack Proceedings Manuscripts Due 8 Jan 2025
∙ All Outstanding Manuscripts Due 21Feb 2025
Registration Opens mid-Oct
Demonstration Applications Due 21 Dec
Early Registration Ends 18 Dec

Hotel Reservation Deadline 10 Jan
Symposium Begins
2 Feb
Non-FastTrack Proceedings Manuscripts Due
14 Feb

HVEI Sponsors

Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2025

Conference keywords: visual human factors of traditional and head-mounted displays; fundamental vision, perception, cognition research; perceptual approaches to image quality; visual and cognitive issues in imaging and analysis; art, aesthetics, and emotion; vision, audition, haptics, multisensory

On this page

2025 Friends of HVEI Banquet

A gathering for researchers at the intersection of human perception and imaging technology

Information about the 2025 banquet will be published prior to EI 2025.


Conference Overview

The conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging explores the role of human perception and cognition in the design, analysis, and use of electronic media systems. Over the years, it has brought together researchers, technologists, and artists, from all over the world, for a rich and lively exchange of ideas. We believe that understanding the human observer is fundamental to the advancement of electronic media systems, and that advances in these systems and applications drive new research into the perception and cognition of the human observer. Every year, we introduce new topics through our Special Sessions, centered on areas driving innovation at the intersection of perception and emerging media technologies. 

We are also proud to announce that IS&T is now publishing the Journal of Perceptual Imaging, the journal of the HVEI community, to publish peer-reviewed papers at the intersection of Human Vision/Cognition, Imaging/Media, and Art.

2025 Conference Topics

Perceptually-based algorithms, metrics, and methods

Perception-based machine-learning; Image and video quality and compression; Image and video analysis and understanding; Texture, lighting, material appearance, and rendering

Higher-level issues in image and video quality

Quality of experience, task-based quality assessment, aesthetics, emotion, and context

Fundamental and applied research in human perception and cognition

Psychophysical, neurophysiological, and computational approaches to human spatial, temporal, color, and stereo perception

Visual cognition

Visual attention and saliency, visual search, pattern recognition, perceptual organization, and semantics

Perceptual and cognitive opportunities for emerging technologies

Perceptual studies/algorithms on AR/VR, social networks, big data visualization, data analytics, medical imaging, mobile computing, and digital humanities

Perception modalities

Visual, auditory, haptic, olfactory, and taste perception, and cross-sensory interactions

Perception, art, and aesthetics

Fine arts and design, integrating artistic and scientific insights on perceptual phenomena

2024 Special Sessions

HVEI 2025 Banquet

The first HVEI Banquet was organized in 1998 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the conference. Since that time, the annual HVEI Banquet has become a beloved conference tradition, providing an opportunity to hear from an interesting speaker, as well as reminisce, cogitate, and speculate with colleagues in this exciting multidisciplinary field. Details are generally finalized in the late fall and a sign-up form is distributed by email, as well as posted on this conference page. There is an additional charge for this event.


Past winners

2020 Best Paper
Gyorgy Denes and Rafal Mantiuk (University of Cambridge) for their work on  "Predicting visible flicker in temporally changing images."
2019 Best Paper
Gyorgy Denes, George Ash, Huameng Fang, and Rafal Mantiuk (University of Cambridge and Huawei Technologies Co, Ltd.) for their work titled "A visual model for predicting chromatic banding artifacts."
2017 Best Student Paper (co-award)
Shahram Peyvandi (Rutgers University) for his work titled "Characterization of spatiotemporal fluctuation in absorbed light energy by an array of interleaved photosensitive elements."
2017 Best Student Paper (co-award)
Best Student Paper (co-award) Jing Wang (Northwestern University) for her work on "Determining the influence of image-based cues on human skin gloss perception."
2016 Best Student Paper
Yashas Rai (University of Nantes) for work titled "Role of spatio-temporal distortions in the vsiual periphery in disrupting natural attention deployment."
2016 Best Student Paper (Honorable Mention)
Deepti Pappusetty (Florida Atlantic University) for her work on "Reducing inattentional blindness using subliminal cues in visual performance tasks."

2025 Committee

Conference Chair

Damon Chandler, Ritsumeikan University (Japan)
Rafal Mantiuk, University of Cambridge (UK)

Program Committee

Ben Balas, North Dakota State University (US)
Kjell Brunnström, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB (Sweden)
Claus-Christian Carbon, University of Bamberg (Germany)
Alexandre Chapiro, Meta Reality Labs (US)
Scott Daly, Dolby Laboratories, Inc. (US)
Ulrich Engelke, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia)
Elena Fedorovskaya, Rochester Institute of Technology (US)
James Ferwerda, Rochester Institute of Technology (US)
Jennifer Gille, Oculus VR (Us)
Sergio Goma, Qualcomm Technologies Inc. (US)
Yasuhiro Inazumi, Yamanashi Eiwa College (Japan)
Hari Kalva, Florida Atlantic University (US)
Stanley Klein, University of California, Berkeley (US)
Lukáš Krasula, Netflix (US)
Guillaume Lavoue, Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France)
Patrick Le Callet, Université de Nantes (France)
Lora Likova, The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute (US)
Mónica López-González, La Petite Noiseuse Productions (US)
Rafal Mantiuk, University of Cambridge (UK)
Mark McCourt, North Dakota State University (US)
Laura McNamara, Sandia National Laboratories (US)
Jeffrey Mulligan, PRO Unlimited (US)
Thrasyvoulos Pappas, Northwestern University (US)
Adar Pelah, University of York (UK)
Sylvia Pont, Technische Universiteit Delft (the Netherlands)
Hawley Rising, Consultant (US)
Bernice Rogowitz, Visual Perspectives (US)
Sabine Süsstrunk, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Christopher Tyler, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute (US)
Andrew Watson, Apple Inc. (US)
Michael Webster, University of Nevada, Reno (US)

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