Journal-first (JIST/JPI) Submissions

∙ Journal-first (JIST/JPI) Submissions Due 31 July
∙ Final Journal-first manuscripts due 31 Oct
Conference Papers Submissions
∙ Early Submission Deadline
15 Aug
∙ Extended Submission Deadline
30 Sep
∙ Late Submission Deadline
15 Oct
∙ FastTrack Proceedings Manuscripts Due 8 Jan 2025
∙ All Outstanding Manuscripts Due 21Feb 2025
Registration Opens mid-Oct
Demonstration Applications Due 21 Dec
Early Registration Ends 18 Dec

Hotel Reservation Deadline 10 Jan
Symposium Begins
2 Feb
Non-FastTrack Proceedings Manuscripts Due
14 Feb

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Accepted Final Manuscript Instructions

For those accepted via JIST- or JPI-first, revised papers incorporating changes requested by the editor and the peer-review comments must be submitted by 31 October 2024.

Final manuscripts for conference proceedings, typically 4-6 pages in length, are due either:

  • 8 January 2025 for early publication via FastTrack*
  • 21 February 2025 for post-Symposium ** publication

* FastTrack papers are published on the IS&T Digital Library prior to the Symposium for access at the event. We recommend this option if you wish to have your paper available and citable as soon as possible. Papers move from FastTrack to their conference post-event.
** Post-Symposium, final manuscripts are published within their conference proceedings as the manuscripts for the conference are submitted and accepted.

Final Conference Proceedings Manuscript Directions

  • EI Conference Proceedings manuscripts are typically 4-6 pages. This length allows you to later expand your paper into a journal-length submission, should you wish to do so.
  • Use the reviewer comments to revise and finalize your final manuscript.
  • Check you acceptance e-mail for further details.
  • Use the Word or LaTeX template to format your final manuscript. See below.
  • Final manuscripts should be print-ready, PDF files. Be sure that all fonts and graphics are embedded and that the page size is LETTER.
  • Use the submission system to upload three files: 1) the final manuscript PDF, 2) the manuscript source file (Word or zip containing LaTeX files) and 3) the EI 2024 completed copyright transfer form.
  • Note: IS&T does not edit nor proofread papers. We publish the final PDF version that you provide. Proofread carefully!

Expand Your Reach: Apply for the Demonstration Session

All EI authors are invited to apply for a Demonstration Session. The Sessions provides authors with an additional opportunity to showcase their work to colleagues and prospective employers/collaborators. Authors should present "material" supplemental to their primary technical presentation. Materials presented may include hardware, software, physical items, integrated systems, etc. 

Deadline: 18 December 2024, 09:00 NY time 

Contact  William Klein [wklein @] for details.

Accepted Oral Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presenter Preparations

  • Presentations, with the exception of keynotes and certain invited talks, are 20 minutes in length. Talks are kept to the schedule.
  • Speakers use their own computers, audio and video conferencing enabled, for their presentations.  
  • Each presenter is expected to test their computer using the AV Prep room.
  • Practice your presentation for clarity and timing. If you have any technical issues during your talk, it will eat into your presentation time.
  • Remote presentations must be cleared with the organizers and session chairs. If you are presenting remotely, you must provide us with a recording of your presentation at least 10 days before the presentation date for us to use as backup. Here’s a step-by-step guide to turn a PowerPoint presentation into a video.
  • Presentation requirement: At least one author per talk is required to pay for a conference registration at the appropriate rate (member/non-member/student). One author can present up to three papers.

Presentation Lengths (examples)

  • Oral: 20 minutes; includes 1 minute for chair introduction; 15-16 minutes for your talk; and 3-4 minutes Q&A
  • Invited: 20-30 minutes; this includes 1 minute for chair introduction; 15-25 minutes for your talk; and 3-5 minutes Q&A
  • Keynote: 40-60 minutes; this includes 1-2 minutes for chair introduction; 35-55 minutes for your talk; and 3-5 minutes Q&A

What to do on the Day of your Presentation 

  • Be present in the room (or online) during the break before your session begins to double check the AV.
  • The session chair will announce your title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and speaker. If you are a substitute speaker, state your name and the original presenter's name.
  • Be aware of your microphone location and do not turn away from it while you are speaking.
  • Please keep the session running on time. Talks will not be given extra time. Prepare accordingly.
  • Q&A is permitted only if there is time remaining for your talk. To be fair to the next presenter, do not take any questions if you have used up your allotted time.

Accepted Interactive Presentation Guidelines

Interactive (Poster) Presentations will make use of the entire interactive presentation session to interact with attendees. Check your acceptance email and review the scheduling for the poster session. 

Preparing your poster

  • Design your poster to be approximately A0 size (1.9 x .85 meter or 48 x 36 inches).
  • See "Poster Layout Samples". We advise a horizontal/landscape orientation.
    • Care should be taken to include information to illustrate key points for discussion.
    • Pay particular attention to keeping text to a minimum and using images, graphs, and/or charts to enhance its visual interest.
    • Text and figures should be designed to clearly convey the essence of your work.
    • Details are best presented in a form that is easy to interpret visually, without requiring a great deal of time spent reading.
    • Images, figures, and graphs that illustrate your work are strongly encouraged.
    • Each section of your presentation should have a descriptive heading; with the material displayed in a logical sequence.
    • Simply formatting pages of your paper from the proceedings into your poster PDF is not acceptable.
  • Print the poster materials for the A0 size (1.9 x .85 meter or 48 x 36 inches) poster board.

Presenting your poster

  • Attend the scheduled in-person EI 2025 poster session. Presenting authors must be available for discussion with their posters during the entire poster session.

Templates, Guidelines, and Forms


Author Obligations

Authors submitting to EI agree to the following

  • Authorize IS&T to circulate the submission to conference committee members (or journal reviewers) for peer-review and/or selection purposes.
  • Pay Symposium registration fees: If your work is accepted, you are obligated to register and present your work at EI as scheduled. Publication is conditional on your presentation. We ask that you register at the appropriate registration rate by the early registration deadline. At least one full (non-student) registration is required with each accepted paper or presentation. For academic groups, for every author that registers at the full rate, two other student members in the group may register at the student author rate. Authors accepted under the Journal-first option must register for the conference AND pay the journal publication charges; reduced rates apply. See journal-first information for details.
  • Fund your registration, travel, and accommodations independent of IS&T.
  • As applicable, secure a visa to travel to the US. Support letters are provided to accepted authors. We suggest that you choose the early decision submission option and complete the visa letter request form  as soon as you are notified of acceptance.
  • Ensure that all clearances (government and company) have been obtained to present and publish the work. If you are a DoD contractor in the USA, allow at least 60 days for clearance.
  • Sign and submit the IS&T Copyright Transfer Agreement. Please note that accommodations are made for authors who need to sign creative commons copyright forms such as CC BY and other options.
  • Submit a full-length manuscript (typically 4-6 pages) for publication in the IS&T Digital Library by the stated deadlines unless Presentation-only is selected.
  • Attend EI and give a high-quality presentation as scheduled in the technical program. Prior to the conference, carefully construct and practice your presentation to faithfully represent your work to other attendees. Be prepared to answer questions. about the work.

Please note: Commercial papers, papers with no new research/ development content, and papers where supporting data or a technical description cannot be given for proprietary reasons will not be accepted for presentation.

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