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Call for Papers
 » Journal-first (JIST or JPI) 20 May
 » Conference 24 June
Acceptance Notification
 » Journal-first (JIST or JPI) 31 July
 » Conference week of 19  Aug
Final Manuscripts Due
 » Journal-first (JIST or JPI) 15 Aug
 » Conference 15 Sept

Registration Opens 23 Aug
Early Registration Ends 30 Sept
Conference Begins 28 Oct


Files and Forms

Visa Support Request 

Join us in Montreal for CIC32

On this page

See the VENUE tab for logistic, lodging, and transportation information.

To request a letter of support for a visa, please fill out the Visa and Invitation Letter Request Form.

Registration and Fees

CIC Technical registration includes: admission to all technical sessions, CIC workshops, coffee breaks, exhibition, Welcome and Conference Reception, and e-proceedings. Separate fees are required for short courses.
Technical registration is not required to register for Short Courses or Workshops; you may register independently for these.

Technical Registration/Conference Fees

To better serve you, IS&T offers a conference registration option that includes membership (new or renewal). Register for just the conference OR register for the conference plus IS&T membership, with your choice of an online subscription to the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (JIST) or Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI). Membership is included with all student registrations; student members receive an online subscription to JIST. Student rates through awarding of PhD; post-docs are not considered students.

Through 30 September  Starting 1 October
Member Non-Member Including Membership Student*  All technical registration fees increase by $100 starting 
23 October
Presenting Author and/or Technical Attendee
$870 $995 $995 $495
Discounted Student Technical Attendee (non-presenter)
One Day Technical Attendee
$530 $530 $655 $175
Attending Short Courses and/or Workshops Only  See fees below
Guest Ticket: Access to Welcome and Conference Receptions, and Evening Talk

Short Course Fees

You do not have to register for the CIC Technical Program to take short courses.
Through 30 September Starting 1 October
Member Non-Member Student* Member Non-Member Student*
8-hour course (SC01) $545 $595 $195 $595 $645 $220
4-hour course (SCs 02, 03, 06, and 10)
$315 $340 $95 $365 $390 $120
2-hour course $195 $220 $65 $245 $270 $90
Take 3 or more courses and receive 10% discount. Use Coupon Code 2024PICK3 at checkout.

Workshop Fees

(for those not registering for the technical program/conference)

Workshops are free for CIC Technical registrants, but you must select which workshop(s) you will attend when registering.
You do not have to register for the CIC Technical Program to take workshops.

Through 30 September Starting 1 October
Member Non-Member Student* Member Non-Member Student*
W01 (Monday) $195 $225 $65 $245 $275 $90
W02, W03, or W04 (Tuesday)
$145 $175 $45 $195 $225 $70

Register Now

Registration Policies

GROUP DISCOUNT:  Register 5 or more people from the same institution and receive 10% off the total. Registrations must all come in at once and be processed by IS&T. Cannot be combined with other offers. Contact [email protected] for details.

BANK TRANSFERS: If you wish to use a bank transfer, a US$25 fee is added; please contact [email protected] to arrange.

CANCELLATION / REFUND POLICY:  To cover bank charges and processing fees, there is a cancellation fee of $125 until September 30, 2024. After that date, the cancellation fee is 50% of the total plus $125. In lieu of a refund, you may transfer the payment to another conference or product by noon Eastern US time 25 October 2024. No refunds will be given after that time/date. All requests for refund must be made in writing to [email protected].

*Student status ends with awarding of PhD.
**Your paid registration signifies your agreement to be photographed and/or recorded (voice and/or video) in the course of normal business. Photos/recordings may be used for IS&T promotional purposes.

Code Of Conduct

IS&T Code of Conduct/Anti-Harassment Policy— The Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T; is dedicated to ensuring a harassment-free environment for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, language spoken, national origin, and/or religion. As an international, professional organization with community members from across the globe, IS&T is committed to providing a respectful environment where discussions take place and ideas are shared without threat of belittlement, condescension, or harassment in any form. This applies to all interactions with the Society and its programs/events, whether in a formal conference session, in a social setting, or on-­‐line.

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, etc., as well as deliberate intimidation; stalking; harassing photography, recording, or postings; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Please note that the use of sexual language and/or imagery is never appropriate, including within conference talks, online exchanges, or the awarding of prizes. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

Those participating in IS&T activities who violate IS&T Code of Conduct/Anti-Harassment Policy or IS&T’s Publications Policy may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference and/or membership without a refund at the discretion of IS&T. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact the IS&T Executive Director or e-mail [email protected] immediately. Please note that all reports are kept confidential and only shared with those who “need to know”; retaliation in any form against anyone reporting an incident of harassment, independent of the outcome, will not be tolerated.

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