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Call for Papers
 » Journal-first (JIST or JPI) 20 May
 » Conference 24 June
Acceptance Notification
 » Journal-first (JIST or JPI) 31 July
 » Conference week of 19  Aug
Final Manuscripts Due
 » Journal-first (JIST or JPI) 15 Aug
 » Conference 15 Sept

Registration Opens 23 Aug
Early Registration Ends 30 Sept
Conference Begins 28 Oct




Learn the Latest About Color

On this page

CIC32 offers high-quality short courses, workshops, keynote talks, technical papers, an exhibition, and multiple opportunities to interact with colleagues and friends.

CIC32 At-a-Glance

  • Day 1 / Oct 28: 4 Short Courses, 1 Workshop
  • Day 2 / Oct 29: 10 Short Courses, 3 Workshops, Welcome Reception
  • Day 3 / Oct 30: Keynote, Technical Sessions, Exhibition, Poster Viewing, Evening Talk
  • Day 4 / Oct 31: Keynote, Technical Sessions, Exhibition, Interactive (Poster) Paper Session, Conference Reception
  • Day 5 / Nov 1:  Keynote, Technical Sessions

 Preliminary Program

Please note: Abstracts will be added with the updating of this page to the final program in early October.

Note: Presenters of JIST- and JPI-first papers have met the stringent criteria for publication in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology or Journal of Perceptual Imaging.

Wednesday 30 October

Registration Open

08:00 - 16:10

Welcome and Opening Keynote

09:00 - 10:00
Session Chair: TBA

Title TBA

Color Theory

10:00 - 10:40
Session Chair: TBA

Colour Meets Geometry in Colorimetric Filter Design, Graham D. Finlayson, University of East Anglia (UK), and Ivar Farup, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) [view abstract]

CIE Colour Matching Functions and Cone Fundamentals: Problems and Modifications, Cheng Gao¹, Kaida Xiao², Michael R. Pointer², and Changjun Li¹; ¹University of Science and Technology Liaoning (China) and ²University of Leeds (UK) [view abstract]

10:40 - 11:20

Coffee Break and Exhibit

Applications, Lighting, & Motion Picture

11:20 - 12:20
Session Chair: TBA

A Subjective Comparison of Three Standard Tone Mapping Algorithms for HDR to SDR Conversion, Sonain Jamil, Phil Green, and Peter Nussbaum, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) [view abstract]

Assessing Color Rendering of Cinematic Lighting using a New Metamer Mismatch Index, Alexander Forsythe and Brian Funt, Simon Fraser University (Canada) [view abstract]

A Color Characterization Model for APL Dependent OLED Displays, Pooshpanjan Roy Biswas, Thibault Cabana, and Adrien Carmone, DXOMARK (France) [view abstract]

2-Minute Interactive Paper Previews I

12:20 – 12:35
Session Chair: TBA

P-01: Evaluating the Impact of Display Light Settings on Circadian Rhythms, Visual Fatigue, and Cognitive Performance: A Comparative Study of Static and Dynamic Backgrounds, Zhenzhen Li, Ming Ronnier Luo, Yuechen Zhu, and Qichen Ye, Zhejiang University (China) [view abstract]
P-02: Estimating Spectral BRDF Parameters Using Handheld Devices, Bita Panahi, Aditya Sole, and Ivar Farup, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) [view abstract]
P-03: Color Constancy: Color Interaction Between Local Surround and Illumination in Virtual Reality Scenarios, Raquel Gil Rodríguez¹, Laysa Hedjar¹, Matteo Toscani², Dar'ya Guarnera³, Claudio Giuseppe Guarnera³, and Karl Reiner Gegenfurtner¹; ¹Justus-Liebig University Giessen (Germany), ²Bournemouth University (UK), and ³University of York (UK) [view abstract]
P-04: Preferred Skin Colour Models in Different Lighting Environments, Miaosen Zhou and Ming Ronnier Luo, Zhejiang University (China) [view abstract]
P-05: Defining D65 White Point Chromaticities for Wide Color Gamut Displays using Different Color Matching Functions, Zheng Huang and Minchen Wei, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong) [view abstract]
P-06: Corresponding Colors in Virtual Reality: A Proof of Concept, Nicoletta Prencipe, Mikki Hiltunen, Lauri Klemettilä, and Evan G. Center, University of Oulu (Finland) [view abstract]
P-07: Neural Image Compression and the Degradation of Color: An Analysis, Ian MacPherson, Trevor Canham, and Michael S. Brown, York University (Canada) [view abstract]

12:35 - 14:00

Lunch on own

The New HDR Standards

14:00 - 15:30
Session Chair: TBA

Title TBA, Nicolas Bonnier, Apple Inc. (US) [view abstract]

Title TBA, TBC (US) [view abstract]

15:30 – 16:10

Coffee Break and Exhibit

Modern Display Technologies and Behavior (TBC)

16:10 - 17:30
Session Chair: TBA

Understanding and Harnessing the Potential of Modern Display Technologies, Timo Kunkel, Dolby Laboratories. Inc. (US) [view abstract]

Can I Trust what I See? Possibilities and Potential Pitfalls when Using Modern Displays with Research and Development Projects: A Panel Discussion
Moderator: Timo Kunkel, Dolby Laboratories. Inc. (US) [view abstract]

17:30 – 20:00

Time for Dinner on Own

EVENING TALK: HDR in Photography

20:00 - 21:00
Session Chair: TBA

The Intersection of Creativity and Technology: HDR in Fashion and Beauty Photography

Sarah Silver, photographer

Abstract: Photographer Sarah Silver is known for pushing boundaries with her fashion and beauty work, but the SDR range often undermines her ability to reach her full artistic vision. Using her recent iPhone fashion and beauty HDR photoshoot as the backdrop, Silver will illustrate how HDR technology expands creative possibilities, solves traditional photographic limitations, and opens up a bright and vivid new world within the genre of fashion and beauty image making.

[view speaker bio]


Thursday 31 October

Registration Open

08:00 - 16:00

Thursday Keynote

09:00 - 10:00
Session Chair: TBA

Speeding Up Creativity through Generative Imaging

Yannick Hold-Geoffroy, Adobe

Abstract: Recent advancements in computational imaging, particularly in generative imaging, have had a significant impact on the work of multimedia artists, introducing new and unexpected workflows to accelerate artistic processes. We are currently experiencing a time where both technical professionals and artists, as well as the general public, are adapting to a new reality marked by the availability of on-demand content and generation of masterpieces at our fingertips. This presentation delves into the recent developments and breakthroughs in image generation, editing, and lighting capture, along with their practical applications. We discuss new possibilities for creating realistic extrapolations of images and their role in image editing. Join us in this session to gain insights into lighting and image generation, as seen through the eyes of users.

[view speaker bio]


Color in Computer Vision

10:00 - 11:00
Session Chair: TBA

Data-Driven Light Source Selection for Improved Camera Calibration, Yuyang Liu and Minchen Wei, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong) [view abstract]

Intrinsic-GS: Multi-view Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Gaussian Splatting and Color-Invariant Priors, Xiaoyan Xing¹, Konrad Groh², Sezer Karaoglu¹, and Theo Gevers¹; ¹University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and ²Bosch (Germany) [view abstract]

Predicting Multispectral Camera Color Quality, Morteza Maali Amiri and David W. Messingeri, Rochester Institute of Technology (US) [view abstract]

11:00 - 11:40

Coffee Break and Exhibit

Color Perception & Cognition I

11:40 - 12:40
Session Chair: TBA

Visualizing Uncertainty with Chromatic Aberration, Rashidul Islam and Stephen Brooks, Dalhousie University (Canada) [view abstract]

Modelling Contrast Matching Across Luminance Levels, Maliha Ashraf and Rafal K. Mantiuk, University of Cambridge (UK) [view abstract]

Individual Color Matching Functions and Application in Cross-media Color Reproduction, Siyuan Song and Ming Ronnier Luo, Zhejiang University (China); Tingwei Huang, THOUSLITE Light Lighting (Changzhou) Ltd. (China); and Andrew Rider and Andrew Stockman, University College London Institute of Ophthalmology (UK) [view abstract]

12:40 - 14:00

Lunch on own

2-Minute Interactive Paper Previews II

14:00 – 14:15
Session Chair: TBA

P-08: CNP2D: The Chromatic Noise Pattern Discrimination Dataset, Trevor Dalton Canham¹, Peter Morovic², Richard Murray¹, Ján Morovic³, and Michael Brown¹; ¹York University (Canada), ²HP Inc. (Spain), and ³HP Inc. (UK) [view abstract]
P-09: Exploring the Efficiency of End-to-end Versus Individual Implementation of DNN-based AWB and Denoising in ISP, Shuwei Yue and Minchen Wei, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong) [view abstract]
P-10: Color Terms and Stable Diffusion: Assessing Artificial Color Naming, Nathan Moroney, consultant (US) [view abstract]
P-11: Towards a Perceptual Evaluation Framework for Lighting Estimation, Justine Giroux¹, Mohammad Reza Karimi Dastjerdi¹, Yannick Hold-Geoffroy², Javier Vazquez-Corral³, and Jean-François Lalonde¹; ¹Université Laval (Canada), ²Adobe (US), and ³Computer Vision Center Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) [view abstract]
P-12: Color Consistency and Durability for Printed, Branded Textiles, Erica B. Walker and Amanda W. Bridges, Clemson University (US) [view abstract]
P-13: Large Size of Color Constancy: Enhancing Pure Color Image Illuminant Estimation with Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks, Liangwei Chen and Ming Ronnier Luo, Zhejiang University (China) [view abstract]
P-14: Color in Visual-Language Models: CLIP Deficiencies, Guillem Arias, Ramon Baldrich, and Maria Vanrell,Computer Vision Center / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) [view abstract]

Capture & Reproduction

14:15 – 15:55
Session Chair: TBA

Adaptive Chroma Correction of Tone Mapping Operators for Natural Image Appearance, Imran Mehmood, Muhammad Usman Khan, and Ming Ronnier Luo, Zhejiang University (China) [view abstract]

Mean Color, Probably, Ján Morovic, HP Inc. (Spain), and Peter Morovic, HP Inc. (UK) [view abstract]

Monastic Color Reproduction: A Software Tool for Printing and Assessing the Monk Skin Tone Scale, Wei-Chung Cheng, US Food and Drug Administration (US) [view abstract]

Connecting Individual Color Matching Functions to Accuracy and Preference in Image Reproduction, Eddie Pei, Susan Farnand, and Michael J. Murdoch, Rochester Institute of Technology (US) [view abstract]

Practical RGB Measurement of Fluorescence and Blood Distributions in Skin, Emilie Nogué1, Arvin Lin1, Miss Xiaohui Li1, Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera2, and Abhijeet Ghosh1; 1Imperial College London and 2University of York (UK) [view abstract]

Interactive Paper (Poster) Session / Exhibit Happy Hour

15:55 – 17:30
Join colleagues to discuss their Interactive papers, vote for the Cactus Award for Best Interactive Paper, and speak with exhibitors

Conference Reception

19:00 – 21:30 TBC

Friday 1 November

Registration Open

08:00 – 13:30

Closing Keynote and Awards

09:00 - 10:10
Session Chair: TBA

Color Vision and the Perception of Light Versus Material

Frederick Kingdom, McGill Vision Research, Montreal General Hospital

Abstract: Color vision has traditionally been seen as the poor cousin of luminance vision in terms of providing information about the spatial layout and properties of objects in the image. However an important advantage of color vision for image analysis is in helping to distinguish variations in light, such as from shading and shadows, from variations in material, such as from paint and pigmentation. I review some of the evidence for this in both computer and biological vision, as well as show examples of the mistakes that can be made when using color to distinguish light from material.

[view speaker bio]


Color Perception & Cognition II

10:10 – 12:10
Session Chair: TBA

An Experiment to Evaluate Observer Metamerism on Displays, Jinyi Lin, Ming Ronnier Luo, and Keyu Shi, Zhejiang University (China), and Tingwei Huang, THOUSLITE Lighting (Changzhou) Ltd. (China) [view abstract]

10:30 - 11:10

Coffee Break and Exhibit

Two-dimensional Models to Predict a New Colour Appearance Dataset, Molin Li and Ming Ronnier Luo, Zhejiang University (China) [view abstract]

The Paris Effect: A Tale of Eccentricity, Peter Morovic, HP Inc. (Spain), and Ján Morovic, HP Inc. (UK) [view abstract]

Calibrating Images for Individual Differences in Color Appearance, Camilla Simoncelli and Michael Webster, University of Nevada Reno (US) [view abstract]

12:10 – 13:30

Lunch on own

Material Appearance

13:30 – 15:30
Session Chair: TBA

Evaluating Lightness Constancy in a High-definition VR Environment, Khushbu Y. Patel¹, Laurie M. Wilcox¹, Laurence T. Maloney², Krista A. Ehinger³, Suyash Singh⁴, and Richard F. Murray¹; ¹York University and Center for Vision Research (Canada), ²New York University (US), ³University of Melbourne (Australia), and ⁴York University (Canada) [view abstract]

Adjusting Transparency Toward Optimizing Face Appearance in Optical See-through Augmented Reality, Sofie R. Herbeck, Michael J. Murdoch, and Christopher A. Thorstenson, Rochester Institute of Technology (US) [view abstract]

The Influence of Material Roughness on Perceived Gloss and Color Appearance of Graphical Generated Faces, Yuan Tian, Mekides Assefa Abebe, and Christopher A. Thorstenson, Rochester Institute of Technology (US) [view abstract]

14:30 – 14:50

Coffee Break

Surface Roughness Estimation for Reproducing Appearance of Glossy Object Surfaces, Shoji Tominaga, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) and Nagano University (Japan), and Motonori Doi, Osaka Electro-Communication University (Japan) [view abstract]

Searching for Colors of 3D Translucent Objects, Davit Gigilashvili, Dipayan Chowdhury, and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) [view abstract]

Closing Remarks and Best Student Paper Award

15:30 – 15:40
The day ends with some closing remarks from the chairs and the presentation of the Best Student Paper Award.

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