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Early Reg Deadline
4 August 2024
Registration Deadline
2 Sept 2024
Conference 4-6 Sept 2024*
Access Ends
31 Dec 2024
* If attending online, date depends on your location.
Program is Korean local time.
There is no in person registration for this event.



Contact IS&T for sponsorship opportunities.

Join us in Busan or Online

Join us for this three-day meeting in person in Busan or online via Zoom, as follows:

      September 4: Academic-focused Talks / attend online or in-person
      September 5: Business-focused Talks (English to Korean translation provided) / attend online or in-person
      September 6: Series of Tutorials related to printing / attend in-person only; no recordings will be available


Dongwon Jang Bogo Building, Daeyeon Campus, Pukyong National University (PKNU), 45 Yongso-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, 48513, Republic of Korea

Advances in Printing Technology is being held at Pukyong National University (PKNU). There is no hotel for this meeting. Attendees are advised to make their own arrangements based on location and preference.


Attendees may select in-person or online registration for the technical sessions; tutorials (Sept. 6) are held in-person only.

In-person registration includes admission to technical sessions, two lunches, coffee breaks, English to Korean translation on Sept. 5, and access to the Sept. 6 Tutorials (Korean language only).

Online includes live access, as well as access to the recorded talks.

2024 FEES

Through 4 August
Through 2 September
(IS&T / ISJ)

Non-member Student Member
(IS&T / ISJ)
Non-member Student


 $225 $255 $75 $300 $330  $125


 $125  $155 $35   $175 $205 $60
  • Student registration comes with membership through 12/31/2024.
  • There is no in person registration. All registrations must be received by midnight EST September 2.
  • Lunch on September 4th and 5th will be provided at restaurants near the venue.
  • Online access is dependent on enough registrants selecting this option. Final decision will be made by September 3. Online registrants will have access to  recordings of talks through end of 2024.

Register Now

IS&T Code of Conduct/Anti-Harassment Policy— The Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T; is dedicated to ensuring a harassment-free environment for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, language spoken, national origin, and/or religion. As an international, professional organization with community members from across the globe, IS&T is committed to providing a respectful environment where discussions take place and ideas are shared without threat of belittlement, condescension, or harassment in any form. This applies to all interactions with the Society and its programs/events, whether in a formal conference session, in a social setting, or on-­‐line.

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, etc., as well as deliberate intimidation; stalking; harassing photography, recording, or postings; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Please note that the use of sexual language and/or imagery is never appropriate, including within conference talks, online exchanges, or the awarding of prizes. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

Those participating in IS&T activities who violate IS&T Code of Conduct/Anti-Harassment Policy or IS&T’s Publications Policy may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference and/or membership without a refund at the discretion of IS&T. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact the IS&T Executive Director or e-mail [email protected] immediately. Please note that all reports are kept confidential and only shared with those who “need to know”; retaliation in any form against anyone reporting an incident of harassment, independent of the outcome, will not be tolerated.