*as of Jan 20, 2024

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport • Burlingame, California

Autonomous Vehicles and Machines

Monday January 22, 2024

Joint Session: Image Quality in Machine Vision with Image Quality and System Performance Conference

8:45 AM - 10:10 AM / Room: Grand Peninsula D

Session Chair: Robin Jenkin, NVIDIA (US), and Patrick Denny, University of Limerick, (Ireland)

8:45 AM Welcome

8:50 AM KEYNOTE: Image Information Metrics from Slanted Edges: a Toolkit of Metrics to Aid Object Recognition, Machine Vision, and Artificial Intelligence Systems (IQSP-256)

Norman Koren, Imatest LLC (US)

9:50 AM ISP Tuning for Improved Image Quality in Machine Vision (IQSP-256)

Diarmaid Geever1, Tim Brophy1, Dara Molloy2, Eddie Jones1, Martin Glavin1, and Brian Deegan; 1University of Galway and 2Valeo Vision Systems (Ireland)

Coffee Break 10:10–10:40

Joint Session: Quality Measurement of Automotive Sensors with Image Quality and System Performance Conference

10:40 AM - 12:30 PM / Room: Grand Peninsula D

Session Chair: Elaine Jin, Rivian (US) and Patrick Denny, University of Limerick (Ireland)

10:40 AMEvaluation of Signal and Noise Metrics of High Dynamic Range Image Sensors by IEEE P2020 Methodology


Orit Skorka1, Paul Romanczyk, Norman Koren2, Jonathan Phillips2 andRadu Ispasoiu1; 1onsemi and 2Imatest (US)

11:10 AM Measurement of Noise Equivalent Quanta (NEQ) Using the Deadleaves Technique (AVM-108)

Robin Jenkin, NVIDIA Corp (US), and Uwe Artmann, Image Engineering GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)

11:30 AM Measuring Natural Scenes SFR of Automotive Fisheye Cameras (AVM-109)

Daniel Jakab1, Eoin Martino Grua1, Brian Michael Deegan2, Anthony Scanlan1, Pepijn Van De Ven1, and Ciarán Eising1; 1University of Limerick and 2University of Galway (Ireland)

11:50 AM An Integrated and Fully Automated Test Solution for Automotive Cameras of Ultrawide Angle of View (AVM-110)

Xingbo Wang, RD Buy (China), and Sangkyu Yang, Cizen Tech (Republic of Korea)

12:10 PM Resolution and Noise Trade-off Analysis in Single-Photon Pulse LiDAR (IQSP-258)

Weijian Zhang, Hashan Weerasooriya, and Stanley Chan, Purdue University (US)

Lunch on Own

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Room: Grand Peninsula D

PLENARY: Seeing and Feeling in Robot-Assisted Surgery

Allison Okamura, Richard W. Weiland Professor of Engineering, Stanford University (US)

Coffee Break

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM / Room: Grand Peninsula D

Highlights 2024

Join us for a session that highlights the breadth of EI with short papers selected by their Chairs from EI conferences. The full papers are given at other times in the program. Note that COIMG and HVEI will run papers concurrent with this session.

Highlights papers are posted here.

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM / Room: The Grove Symposium Reception

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM / Room: Grand Peninsula D

FILM: Interthinking Art + Science

A feature-length documentary on painter, photographer, designer, educator, and art theorist György Kepes and his pioneering installations in light and motion. The film is directed by EI 2024 keynote speaker Márton Orocz, director of the Vasarely Museum in Budapest, Hungary.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Conference: Autonomous Vehicles and Machines

Session: Multi-Modal Imaging and Neural Methods for Safe Driving

8:45 AM - 9:50 AM / Room: Grand Peninsula E

Session Chairs: Peter van Beek, Intel (US), and Patrick Denny, University of Limerick (Ireland)

8:45 AM Welcome

8:50 AM Multi-Modal Pedestrian Detection via Dual-Regressor and Object-Based Training for One-Stage Object Detection Network (AVM-111)

Napat Wanchaitanawong1, Masayuki Tanaka1, Takashi Shibata2, and Masatoshi Okutomi1; 1Tokyo Institute of Technology and 2NTT Corporation (Japan)

9:10 AM Exploring Object Detection and Image Classification Tasks for Niche Use Case in Naturalistic Driving Studies


Ryan Peruski, Deniz Aykac, Lauren Torkelson, and Thomas Karnowski, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US)

9:30 AM Efficient Fault Tolerant Architecture for Neural Network Compute (AVM-113)

Shyam Jagannathan1, Mihir Mody1, Prithvi Shankar1, Jesse Villarreal2, JuneChul Roh2, Kumar Desappan1, Deepak Poddar1, and Pramod Swami1; 1Texas Instruments (India) and 2Texas Instruments (US)

9:50 AM Urban Scene Reconstruction Based on Neural Rendering (AVM-365)

Shihao Shen1, Louis Kerofsky1, Senthil Yogamani2, and Varun Ravii1; 1Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (US) and 2QT Technologies Ireland Limited (UK)

Coffee Break 10:10–10:40

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Room: Grand Peninsula D

PLENARY: Neural Radiance Fields

Jon Barron, senior staff research scientist, Google Research (US)

Coffee Break

Session: Leveraging Bird's Eye View Imagery for Safe Driving

Session Chairs: Patrick Denny, University of Limerick (Ireland), and Peter van Beek, Intel (US)

3:30 PM Fusing Segmentation and Domain-knowledge Model to Extract Intersection Topologies from Aerial/terrestrial Orthographic Images (AVM-114)

Julien Vijverberg and Bart Beers, Cyclomedia Technology, and Peter de With, Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands)

3:50 PM Optimizing Ego Vehicle Trajectory Prediction: The Graph Enhancement Approach (AVM-115)

Sushil Sharma, Aryan Singh, Ganesh Sistu, Mark Halton, and Ciaran Eising, University of Limerick (Ireland)

4:10 PM An Approach to Recreate Large Virtual Environments for Use in Road Traffic Research (AVM-116)

Jack Miller and Eliot Winer, Iowa State University (US)

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM / Room: Regency

Interactive Paper Poster Session, Demonstration Session, and Exhibit Happy Hour

Wednesday January 24, 2024

Session: Vision Systems for Industrial Applications with Industrial Applications using Computer Vision & Autonomous Vehicles and Machines

10:40 AM - 12:00 PM / Room: Grand Peninsula G

Session Chairs: Kurt Niel, University of Applied Sciences Upper (Austria), and Juha Röning, University of Oulu (Finland)

10:40 AMSynthetic Data Generation for AI-based Machine Vision Applications (IRIACV-276)

Frederik Seiler, Verena Eichinger, and Ira Effenberger, Fraunhofer IPA (Germany)

11:00 AM Unsupervised PCB Anomaly Segmentation with Foundational Models (IRIACV-277)

Chih-Hui Ho1, SungBal Seo2, NaYeon Kim2, Pin-Ying Wu1, and YouSuk Bae2, Nuno Vasconcelos1; 1University of California San Diego (US) and 2Tech University of Korea (Republic of Korea)

11:20 AM Real-time Cattle Intake Monitoring Using Stereo Vision (IRIACV-278)

Prajwal Rao, McKinley N. Flinders, Dennis Buckmaster, Amy R. Reibman, and Jacquelyn P. Boerman, Purdue University (US)

11:40 AM Mobile 3D Mapping of Erdstall Facilities (IRIACV-279)

Raimund Edlinger and Kurt Niel, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, and Josef Weichenberger, Erdstallforschung (Austria)

Lunch Break

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Room: Grand Peninsula D

PLENARY: Imaging the Universe: NASA Space Telescopes from James Webb to Nancy Grace Roman and Beyond

Joseph M. Howard, optical designer, NASA (US)