Abstract submission opens
1 June
 Final submission deadline 7 Oct
 Manuscripts due for FastTrack
23 Nov
 Early Bird registration ends 18 Dec
 Early registration ends 31 Dec

 Short Courses begin
11 Jan
 Symposium begins
18 Jan
 All manuscripts due
8 Feb
 Conference Portal Closes
30 April

Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2021

Conference keywords: virtual and augmented reality systems; virtual reality UI and UX; emergent augmented reality platforms; VR and AR in education, learning, gaming, art

On this page

ATTENTION: We're pleased to announce that EI 2021 will be fully online! We recognize that one of the most important features of attending EI is interacting with colleagues from Industry and Academia. We are committed to making community connection a priority and to providing ample opportunities to meet and discuss personally with others. We see the move to an online platform as an opportunity for greater numbers of people to join from around the world. Join us on this exciting adventure . . . submit your work today!

Conference Overview

Virtual and augmented reality systems are evolving. In addition to research, the trend toward content building continues and practitioners find that technologies and disciplines must be tailored and integrated for specific visualization and interactive applications. This conference serves as a forum where advances and practical advice toward both creative activity and scientific investigation are presented and discussed. Research results can be presented and applications can be demonstrated.

2021 Conference Topics

Advances in Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality is on the verge of becoming a significant emergent technology platform, which is being developed, tested, and discussed throughout the media landscape. Is the current interest in AR sustainable and substantial or is AR destined to be a novelty? Papers that look at the hardware, software, content, and cultural context behind cutting-edge AR are sought for the conference. Topics might include AR UI and UX, AR in education/learning, AR gaming, art in AR, and the future of AR.

Compelling experiences

A compelling immersive experience transports the user to a place that is viscerally felt, not easily forgotten, yet completely synthetic. This requires subtle interplay between the technological and creative arts. Papers that present working systems or ongoing research into the delicate balance between these disciplines are desired.

Stubborn problems

Interaction, tracking, lag, rendering speed, field of view, resolution, etc. These are but a few of the topic areas that vex the field every year. Papers presenting work improving the state-of-the-art in these areas are encouraged. In addition, the conference is specifically seeking work that explores aesthetics and interaction in 3D environments.

Industrial applications

Systems that solve real-world problems from a wide variety of disciplines are a mainstay of the conference. It especially promotes papers that describe systems that are important because of the problems they solve, and not the technology they use, as well as papers that describe systems that can quantify their utility. Practitioners in industry are highly encouraged to make submissions.

Women in VR

Many women have been key in the advancement of the field, including establishing hardware systems, forging research directions, and creating experiences. We invite research activities that are influenced by a feminine perspective. Papers presenting work by women or derived from their research areas are encouraged, specifically work that explores how a feminine perspective discovers, examines, and designs virtual reality systems.

2021 Special Sessions


2021 Committee

Conference Chairs

Margaret Dolinsky, Indiana University (United States)
Ian E. McDowall, Fakespace Labs, Inc. (United States)

Program Committee

Dirk Reiners, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (United States)
Jürgen Schulze, University of California, San Diego (United States)
Andrew Woods, Curtin University (Australia)

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