Electronic Imaging 2020

Normal and Defective Color Vision across the Lifespan

Course Number: SC13

Sunday 26 January • 15:45 – 17:45
Course Length: 2 hours
Course Level: Intermediate
Instructor: Caterina Ripamonti, Cambridge Research Systems

Learning Objectives
The course enables the attendee to:

  • Understand how normal colour vision operates.
  • Learn about the causes underlying individual differences in perceiving colour.
  • Appreciate the difference between normal and affected colour vision.
  • Simulate how vision changes during the lifespan.

The course aims to provide a general introduction to normal and defective colour vision and to describe the principles of some existing software and tools that can be used to simulate how images may be perceived by observers with normal or defective colour vision across the lifespan.

The first part of the course provides the physiological fundamentals to understanding how colour vision operates and focuses on the causes underlying individual differences in the perception of colour across the lifespan. In particular, we examine the changes in colour vision that take place as a consequence of the early development or aging of the visual system.

This is followed by an analysis of the differences between colour vision in normal trichromats and observers affected by inherited or acquired colour deficiencies. The differences between normal trichromats and affected observers is considered in terms of spatial, temporal, and colour resolution as well as their light and dark adaptation processes.

The second part concentrates on simulating how vision changes during the lifespan.

This is followed by the presentation of some image processing techniques used to simulate the differences between normal and affected observers in perceiving coloured images.

Intended Audience
Colour engineers, scientists and designers. Those who wish to understand colour vision of normal trichromats as well as observers with defective colour vision. Those interested in understanding the principles of how to correct and improve the visual discrimination of images by affected observers or normal trichromats of different ages.
Caterina Ripamonti is a senior vision scientist at Cambridge Research Systems Ltd. and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital (UK). She is the author of numerous papers on human colour vision, spatial and temporal properties of normal and defective vision, and applied aspects of colour science related to human factors. She is also the co-author of the book Computational Colour Science using MATLAB.

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1/26/2020 3:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Eastern Standard Time