EI2019 Short Course Description

SC17: 3D Imaging
Monday 14 January • 8:30 am – 12:45 pm
Course Length: 4 hours
Course Level: Introductory
Instructor: Gady Agam, Illinois Institute of Technology
Fee*: Member: $290 / Non-member: $315 / Student: $95 
*after December 18, 2018, members / non-members prices increase by $50, student price increases by $20 

The purpose of this course is to introduce algorithms for 3D structure inference from 2D images. In many applications, inferring 3D structure from 2D images can provide crucial sensing information. The course begins by reviewing geometric image formation and mathematical concepts that are used to describe it, and then moves to discuss algorithms for 3D model reconstruction.

The problem of 3D model reconstruction is an inverse problem in which we need to infer 3D information based on incomplete (2D) observations. We discuss reconstruction algorithms which utilize information from multiple views. Reconstruction requires the knowledge of some intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters and the establishment of correspondence between views. Also discussed are algorithms for determining camera parameters (camera calibration) and for obtaining correspondence using epipolar constraints between views. The course introduces relevant 3D imaging software components available through the industry standard OpenCV library.

Learning Outcomes
  • Describe fundamental concepts in 3D imaging.
  • Develop algorithms for 3D model reconstruction from 2D images.
  • Incorporate camera calibration into your reconstructions.
  • Classify the limitations of reconstruction techniques.
  • Use industry standard tools for developing 3D imaging applications.
Intended Audience
Engineers, researchers, and software developers who develop imaging applications and/or use camera sensors for inspection, control, and analysis. The course assumes basic working knowledge concerning matrices and vectors.

Gady Agam is an associate professor of computer science at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He is the director of the visual computing lab at IIT which focuses on imaging, geometric modeling, and graphics applications. He received his PhD from Ben-Gurion University (1999).

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Important Dates
Call for Papers Announced 1 Mar 2018
Journal-first Submissions Due 30 Jun 2018
Abstract Submission Site Opens 1 May 2018
Review Abstracts Due (refer to For Authors page
 · Early Decision Ends 30 Jun 2018
· Regular Submission Ends 8 Sept 2018
· Extended Submission Ends 25 Sept 2018
 Final Manuscript Deadlines  
 · Fast Track Manuscripts Due 14 Nov 2018 
 · Final Manuscripts Due 1 Feb 2019 
Registration Opens 23 Oct 2018
Early Registration Ends 18 Dec 2018
Hotel Reservation Deadline 3 Jan 2019
Conference Begins 13 Jan 2019